DC helps more than 2,000 students gear up to get hired at its Virtual Career Fair Posted on March 31, 2021 at 8:49 am. More than 2,000 Durham College (DC) students and alumni spent the first two weeks of March working to achieve their goals and launch their careers during the college’s virtual Gear Up to Get Hired at Home events and Career Fair. From March 1 to 11, DC’s Career Development office organized numerous career-focused webinars and virtual events, which included valuable advice on how to create a personal pitch, resumé writing techniques, virtual interview tactics, and more, preparing them for DC’s largest Virtual Career Fair to date on March 11. This year, the annual Virtual Career Fair brought in 142 potential employers for students and alumni to meet, including those currently hiring for part-time, summer and seasonal work. Over 2,700 job seekers accessed the event platform in the month leading up to the fair to visit virtual booths and research the participating employers. Organizations involved represented a mix of economic sectors, including business, community services, manufacturing, skilled trades, information technology, engineering, health care, hospitality and justice. In previous years, in order to participate, companies were required to be hiring within six months of the fair. Due to COVID-19, the event was open to companies not in a position to hire at the moment, but looking to build brand awareness among DC students, so they could begin to map out how they would like their career to look down the road. DC’s Career Development office provides students and alumni with year-round support for all things career-related, including support for career exploration, resumé building and cover letter writing, interviewing skills and job search strategies. To learn more, please visit www.websiteredesign.durhamcollege.ca/careerdevelopment. SHARE: