100 Men of Scugog creates new bursary for DC students

On Tuesday, August 25, representatives from the 100 Men of Scugog group were on-hand at Durham College’s (DC) Centre for Food at the Whitby campus to present President Don Lovisa with a cheque for $4,400. The funds, to be administered over four years, will be used to support a new bursary for DC students from the Scugog region who are in financial need.

“We are honoured that 100 Men of Scugog has chosen the Durham College Foundation for one of its annual donations,” said Lovisa. “The establishment of this bursary will support Scugog students in their post-secondary studies, making a college education available to those who may not otherwise have the financial resources. This bursary will help support students as they develop the skills needed to be successful in their future careers.”

Each year the 100 Men of Scugog nominates community institutions and organizations to receive funding. Members of the group commit to donating $100 four times per year and together decide where those funds go.

“We know how important Durham College is to our community and were moved by the fact that many students struggle to pay,” said Richard Gauder, one of the founding members of 100 Men of Scugog. “We also heard that 60 per cent of students aren’t coming to the college from high school. There are single moms, people who need to retrain after losing a job and others. We thought, why not lend a helping hand? By helping these students, we’re in turn supporting the township of Scugog, which is the reason we started the 100 Men group. We know this bursary will provide assistance to the recipients and help them achieve their dreams.”

100 Men of Scugog joins many businesses, service clubs, associations, foundations and individuals who have donated to DC. In 2015, $267,950 in bursaries which were awarded to 220 students and $105,390 in scholarships which were presented to 115 students. For more information regarding bursaries and scholarships, please visit http://www.websiteredesign.durhamcollege.ca/admissions/general-information/scholarships-bursaries-and-awards.

For more information on 100 Men go to www.100men.ca.