Durham College (DC) student Evgenia Nazarenko from the School of Media, Art and Design (MAD) tested her skills at in international level earlier this year when she represented DC in the Young Designers Award Competition.
Evgenia and DC were the sole Canadian participants in the annual, by-invitation-only event that showcases the extraordinary and emerging talents of packaging and design students at the college level.
For the 2018 competition, students from participating schools were provided a clear, 9oz jar with cap and instructed to design a product and label/outer packaging. Schools then submitted their top entries to be judged by a prestigious panel of cosmetic and personal care packaging design experts.
The judging criteria included overall uniqueness, ability to be reproduced economically and ability to stand out favorably against competitive packages. Industry sponsors included multinational corporations such as Biorius, Pfeiffer and Mary-K.
Competition was fierce, featuring schools such as Yale University School of Art, Maine College of Art and Corcoran School of the Arts and Design.
A third-year student in DC’s Graphic Design program, Evgenia will now have her work exhibited in California beginning in February.
Congratulations, Evgenia!