DC’s students and employees featured on CTV’s News at Noon Posted on October 6, 2015 at 11:05 am. It was an exciting hour for the students and employees of Durham College’s (DC) Centre for Food (CFF) when, on Wednesday, September 30, CTV’s Anwar Knight broadcast live during the News at Noon. Sharing the CFF’s field-to-fork vision with viewers, Knight spent time learning about the programs and touring the spaces within the centre, beginning with a look at the fields outside the CFF. Knight then visited one of the culinary labs where students were preparing dishes using produce harvested that day. While there Peter Lee, a culinary professor and program coordinator at the CFF, discussed the importance of the field-to-fork philosophy to the student’s curriculum and local food movement. Knight also visited the CFF’s greenhouses, speaking with Shane Jones, a professor from the School of Science & Engineering Technology, about his cold frame technology research. He also spent time with Bistro ‘67’s executive chef Ron Subden discussing edible flowers, even sampling a surprisingly delicious popcorn seedling. “We were thrilled to welcome Anwar Knight and CTV to see the CFF first-hand,” said David Hawey, chair, Centre for Food. “There is such diversity in the work we’re doing and what we’re teaching the students; the best way to understand it is to see it first-hand. Opportunities like these really help share our vision.” For anyone interested in learning more about the programs offered at the Centre for Food or Bistro ’67, the CFF’s green-certified teaching restaurant visit www.websiteredesign.durhamcollege.ca/cff. The CTV News at Noon live-eye can be viewed here. Clips from the visit can be found throughout the broadcast. SHARE: