Durham College (DC) welcomed its partners from the Government Technical Institute (GTI) of Guyana earlier this fall as part of the ongoing development of GTI’s new automotive electronics program.
Principal Carl Benn and faculty member Edward Cort of GTI were invited to spend a week at the college, learning more about how DC works with the industry to develop relevant programming to provide graduates with the right skills for the labour market. The approach will be adapted to help develop market driven programs that will produce graduates who are employable across the Caribbean Community (CARICOM).
“Participating in these kinds of international partnerships allows Durham College to continue internationalizing as an institution by providing opportunities for staff and faculty to work together with colleagues from Guyana and learn from each other,” said Fiona Richards, executive director of International Business Development. “Though not every person is able to get on a plane and travel, having our partners come to Durham College for a week long immersion allows for conversation and sharing of good practices within an international context on campus.”
The project is part of the Education for Employment in CARICOM, and is funded by the Skills for Employment initiative of the Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development. Facilitated by Colleges and Institutes Canada, project partners include the College of the North Atlantic and the Marine Institute of Memorial University of Newfoundland.
“The strength of Durham College’s programs and integrity as an institution are being recognized internationally as a standard to be achieved,” said Richards. “Durham College is proud to be able to participate in the development of education globally. “