Library News Archive Indigenous Peoples: North AmericaIndigenous Peoples: North America is a robust, diverse, informative source that will enhance your research and give you a better understanding of the historical experiences,... NEW! Visible Body 3DDurham College students and faculty now have access to a new tool called Visible Body, available on our Databases page. Visible Body allows you to... Library Space Enhancements Coming Soon!Curious about what’s been happening on the second and third floor of the Oshawa Campus Library? We are excited to share that a number of... Celebrate Pride MonthThe Library’s subscription to Kanopy gives you access to curated, on-demand steaming video content. To celebrate Pride Month, Kanopy has put together a list of... Borrow a Podcast KitDiscover how easy it is to produce a podcast with these kits! These Behringer Podcastudio kits can be borrowed for 2 weeks each, and includes:... Whitby Campus Library Summer ClosureThe Whitby Library will be closed for the summer, beginning Monday, June 3rd to Sunday, August 25th, 2019. Help and lending services are still available... The Learning PortalThe Learning Portal contains great library resources and learning support hubs for both students and faculty. Take a look at all the hubs available! STUDY... Summer Hours at OshawaSpring/summer hours are in effect at the Campus Libraries. For details, please visit our Library hours page. Regular hours will resume on September 9. Archives of Sexuality & Gender: LGBTQ History and CultureThese archives represent important aspects of LGBTQ life since the 1940s around the world. There are hundreds of historical records of political and social organizations,... The Seed Exchange is now open!The Seed Exchange has arrived at your Libraries! Visit the Reference Desk at the Oshawa Campus Library, the Whitby Campus Library or the Library at... « 1 … 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 »