News Archive

Firefighter Training students using exercise bikes
DC firefighting students test their training in extreme weather workshop

Firefighting doesn’t typically bring to mind snow, sleet and ice. Yet for first responders in Canada, treacherous, freezing conditions are as much a part of...

DC’s Horticulture students blossom at Landscape Ontario Congress
DC’s Horticulture students blossom at Landscape Ontario Congress

Despite the cold weather happening outside, Durham College Horticulture Technician students recently had an opportunity to put their green thumbs to use when they showed...

Durham College honours outstanding students; recognizes award donors.
Durham College honours outstanding students; recognizes award donors

For many students, time spent obtaining their post-secondary education is often a balancing act, with school commitments in one hand and employment, family responsibilities and...

Donors gather around the newly unveiled donor wall at CFF.
Centre for Food unveils donor wall to recognize generosity of community

Seven years ago, an idea was planted at Durham College (DC) to create a facility that would change the way our local communities eat and...

Aboriginal Awareness Day
Song and reflection mark DC’s Aboriginal Awareness Day

The fourth annual Aboriginal Awareness Day, held in the Campus Recreation and Wellness Centre at Durham College (DC) on January 21, drew students, employees, community...

First Lego League Robotics Competition
LEGO robots roll onto campus: they came, they built, they conquered

LEGO robots once again took over the shared Durham College (DC) and University of Ontario Institute of Technology (UOIT) campus on January 16, as the institutions co-hosted...

DC student speaks at the skills and talent summit
2016 Summit on Talent and Skills in the New Economy held on campus

The college was joined by its campus partner, the University of Ontario Institute of Technology, in hosting the 2016 Summit on Talent and Skills in...

Centre for Food
DC’s Centre for Food wins prestigious design award

Durham College announced today that its Centre for Food (CFF), which is known for its unique blend of creativity and innovation in design, has been...

DC welcomes new member to its Board of Governors

Durham College is pleased to welcome Andrée Robichaud to its Board of Governors as a new external member, effective December 10, 2015. Robichaud, who takes...

Alumni Association board president and members lend a helping hand packing hampers.
DC, UOIT and the Student Association team up for another successful Holiday Food Drive

Thanks to the kindness and generosity of donors and volunteers, the annual campus Holiday Food Drive was able to raise more than $47,000 to provide...