Andy Popko Posted on March 4, 2025 at 12:31 pm. Andy Popko has spent over 40 years in the oil and energy sector working closely with western Canada’s Indigenous peoples to develop equitable joint venture partnerships that will protect Indigenous land rights. In 1997, Popko established the Aboriginal Relations department within Encana Corporation’s North American oil and gas division, becoming vice-president of Aboriginal Relations. Under his leadership, Encana was the first company to bring together four northeastern Alberta First Nations bands to jointly own and operate a new drilling rig in 2001. For this work, Popko was named an honourary Chief at Heart Lake First Nations and also won a Lifetime Achievement Award from the Tribal Chiefs Institute in 2003. Presented on behalf of the Treaty 6 Chiefs, Popko is the first non-Indigenous person to be presented with the award. He was also recognized as a Durham College Alumnus of Distinction in 2004. During his tenure at Encana, Popko and his team were able to broker more than 50 joint venture opportunities for Indigenous peoples in the area. In 2004, he was selected for an 18-month secondment at the Privy Council Office in Ottawa, Ont. to consult with Prime Minister Paul Martin, provincial premiers and five national Indigenous organizations on the Kelowna Accord. Today, Popko is vice-president of Aboriginal Relations at NC Services Group Limited and a director at energy startup Bitcrude, a company that has the technology to move solid bitumen from Alberta Athabasca tar sands to international markets without having to use pipeline. SHARE: