Lynn Chaytor Posted on March 5, 2025 at 1:55 pm. Lynn Chaytor is a founding member of the college’s Alumni Association and served on the Public Relations advisory committee. She is now the president of her own company, Creative Impact, which specializes in public relations, video scriptwriting, brochure writing, copywriting, event planning and producing newsletters for clients such as London Visitors and the London Convention Centre. She has co-ordinated the Rubber Ducky Race and Jump Rope for The Heart and Stroke Foundation, raising close to $200,000; organized the London PUC Participation program; co-ordinated Team Ontario’s training camp for the 1988 Canada Summer Games; and assisted with the Labatt’s 24-hour Relay Race, raising money for London’s three hospitals. She also canvasses for the Canadian Cancer Society and for Amabile, an award-winning children’s choir. SHARE: