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Saturday, April 12
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This is a one-semester course designed to further educate students in numerous aspects of industrial automation. The course builds upon the electric motors, industrial controls, AC drives and micro PLC's studied in Industrial Controls I & II. The course begins with an introduction to the hardware, programming, distributed I/O (Inputs and Outputs) and networking architecture of the Allen Bradley SLC 500 system. It continues with the hardware, programming and interfacing of Human Machine Interface (HMI) screens. Next, an introduction to the hardware, programming and interfacing of industrial robots (Fanuc brand) is provided. The course concludes with students programming and integrating a functional industrial workcell using a SLC 5/04 chassis, PanelView touch screen, distributed Flex I/O rack and an industrial robot to complete an automated material handling task. The theory section of this course will be re-enforced through practical design and integration based laboratory experiments.