Screenshots of Durham College's website Redesign project

Maintenance mode

Thank you for visiting Durham College’s new website. The full website will be unveiled in September 2017. Please click on any of the links below to view the select pages we have released prior to launch.

Breadth Elective Credit | Durham College

Breadth Elective Credit

Breadth elective courses appear in your program of study as BRTH 00000. This is called a "placeholder." This placeholder is replaced by an actual course that you will select from a list of available "elective" breadth courses when you register in the relevant semester. Please note that the type and number of elective courses available will vary from semester to semester and from year to year. Students must successfully complete two lower level breadth courses in at least two of the three breadth categories prior to registering in an upper level breadth. In order to be eligible for graduation, students must complete one lower and upper level breadth in at least two of the three breadth categories.