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Thank you for visiting Durham College’s new website. The full website will be unveiled in September 2017. Please click on any of the links below to view the select pages we have released prior to launch.

Communications 1: Critical Thinking And Writing | Durham College

Communications 1: Critical Thinking and Writing

Category: Culture, Arts, Humanities & Self Breadth Level: Lower Level Description: This course introduces students to essential writing skills for business. Types of scholarly and non-scholarly writing will be reviewed. Grammar, style, and standards for different audiences will be explained and reinforced through practice. Methods to construct and critically evaluate arguments will be explained. Research, organization, revision, layout, and copy editing skills will be developed through group and individual assignments. Note: 1. Prior to registering in an upper level breadth course, students must successfully complete one lower level breadth course. 2. In order to be eligible for graduation, students must complete one lower level breadth in at least two of the three breadth categories. More information regarding breadth categories and levels can be found here: