Screenshots of Durham College's website Redesign project

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Thank you for visiting Durham College’s new website. The full website will be unveiled in September 2017. Please click on any of the links below to view the select pages we have released prior to launch.

Construction Methods, Materials, And Equipment | Durham College

Construction Methods, Materials, and Equipment

Students examine and study the common construction materials, site variables, equipment, and construction processes relating to residential and ICI construction sectors as influenced by environment and energy efficiency standards. The course provides a basic knowledge of the terminology, the history, and the physical and chemical properties of materials including an introduction to soil types. The course also explores manufacturing and fabrication processes, typical installation methods, and efficiency of utilization and organization in a construction, repurposing or renovation project. Also, the materials and products are evaluated in relation to their suitability as affected by their durability, performance, sustainability, and energy conservation. Metals, wood, concrete, masonry, steel, plastics, drywall, thermal insulations, insulating concrete forms, doors, and windows are among the materials reviewed.