Screenshots of Durham College's website Redesign project

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Thank you for visiting Durham College’s new website. The full website will be unveiled in September 2017. Please click on any of the links below to view the select pages we have released prior to launch.

Management Of Construction Sites | Durham College

Management Of Construction Sites

This course includes the theory and practice of construction site supervision, leadership, and management as applied in the construction industry. Students learn the processes involved in controlling a project, planning managerial activities, as well as organizing jobs, duties, deliverables, and resources as part of a multi-disciplinary team. This course uses case studies and in-class discussions to help learners explore direct onsite activities and how to communicate instructions to employees as well as the wide range of activities required of a site superintendent (such as worksite control, purchase orders, material control, budget control, cost control, estimating, contract control, progress reports and scheduling).