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Saturday, April 12
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Ministry-approved title: Horticulture Technician
With access to a national historic site and a one-of-a-kind living lab that provides students with legacy opportunities to complete campus projects, this program will help you graduate with the creative, entrepreneurial, and professional skills needed to be an industry leader. The art, science and business of horticulture are the focus of this program, ensuring students learn the skills required to create landscapes, renew historical gardens, enhance communities and express their creativity while learning the complexities involved in a broad range of professional environments. In addition, the dynamic, hands-on opportunities to experience the many aspects of the industry will make a difference as you work towards becoming a professional horticulturist.
Durham College (DC) offers pre-admission assessment testing to mature domestic applicants to meet admission requirements in English and/or math. Domestic applicants that are 19 years of age or older as of the start date of their program, and who do not have the required program credit(s) i.e., Grade 12 English and/or Grade 12 math are eligible to take an admissions assessment test.
Learn more about how to book Pre-Admission Assessment Testing here.
DC also offers Academic Upgrading. Courses are FREE and designed to help you meet the admissions requirements for this program. Available to individuals 18+, these courses are offered on-campus at DC. Boost your qualifications with:
Learn more about Academic Upgrading and connect with our team to get started.
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The best way to succeed in your field is to immerse yourself in it! Co-op is an excellent way to build your professional network, explore career paths and apply in-class teachings to real work situations. Co-op is a model of education that integrates academic learning with workplace learning in fields relevant to our students’ academic and personal goals.
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Gain knowledge and hone your skills in landscape construction, nursery management and soil and plant nutrition so you are prepared to work in creating and developing dynamic residential lots, business locations and communities. A growing interest in landscaping, gardening and urban agriculture is prompting more people to spend money on these enjoyable diversions and opening new opportunities for graduates.
You will also have access to an unmatched learning environment, with more than 50 per cent of learning time focused on hands-on activities offered at the college’s W. Galen Weston Centre for Food (Weston Centre), a unique field-to-fork-focused learning environment, and Parkwood National Historic Site, which provides access to historic gardens and greenhouses, further the understanding of different concepts and designs you will face upon graduating.
You will focus on:
Please note: Students will be required to purchase green tag safety boots in order to participate in laboratory settings.
The courses listed below are for incoming students. If you are a current student, please refer to your program of study for the year you began your program. Your program of study can be found on MyDC.
Courses, course descriptions and delivery formats are subject to change.
In person
Students will come to campus to complete in-person learning requirements. Detailed schedules, with course-specific delivery information, will be available after registration. Courses, course descriptions and delivery formats are subject to change.
Your learning experience will be complemented by a field placement opportunity in the horticultural industry. Students work in landscape design and construction companies, greenhouses, and property maintenance, among others.
Students have the opportunity to bring all their learning together and advance their skills and learning through provincial and national competitions. These valuable events see them construct landscapes and other projects on fixed timelines and with specific guidelines and expectations.
Each summer, a number of students are selected for paid work and placement opportunities within the Weston Centre Urban Farm operations and Barrett Centre for Innovation in Sustainable Urban Agriculture.
This allows students to build on their learning from their first academic year and lead the way supporting on farm operational activities, running a Farmer’s Market, community outreach and on-campus legacy projects.
Durham College’s recently announced partnership with The Barrett Family Foundation will support the creation of a centre of excellence and new urban farm in Durham Region. The Barrett Centre of Innovation in Sustainable Urban Agriculture will become an internationally recognized hub of excellence in urban agriculture practices, research, education and training, creating a range of new opportunities for students.
Durham College also offers degree completion opportunities with a number of Canadian and international institutions. Sample diploma-to-degree opportunities include:
Please visit our pathways page to learn more about how you can transfer your credits towards a degree.
Looking for more pathway opportunities or to transfer to Durham College? Click here for more information.
To help students have the best learning experience possible, Durham College’s IT Services department has identified technology recommendations for each program based on course needs and software requirements. While not required, students may want to consider these suggestions if they are purchasing a computer or laptop for the upcoming academic year.
Processor: i7 RAM: 16GB Storage: 256GB SSD Operating System: Microsoft Windows 10 Professional or Education x64 SP1 Internet Browser: Internet Explorer 11 or Google Chrome (newest version) or Firefox (newest version) Network Adapter: 802.11ac 2.4/5 GHz wireless adapter Camera: Webcam/built-in camera Internet connection
Questions regarding technology recommendations can be directed to the IT Service Desk or the school office.
Students in the Horticulture Technician Diploma program will be invited to apply to the co-op option during their first academic semester. Entrance to the co-op option is limited and the processes for securing a work term are competitive. Students enrolled in the co-op option are required to complete a four-month, paid work term between the second and third semesters of their program.
Supports are available through Experiential Learning to assist students with securing their work terms. In addition, Experiential Learning is in contact with co-op students and their employers during the work terms to help with any questions. Upon completing the work term, co-op students return to campus to complete their final two academic semesters of the program before graduating.
Courses and course descriptions are subject to change.
Once transferred to the co-op option of this program, students will have a co-op administrative fee of $475 assessed to their accounts during the academic semester(s) prior to scheduled work term(s). The administrative fee goes to support the broad array of support services provided to co-op students. These services are dedicated to support student success.
Find more information about the benefits of becoming a co-op student.
Find more information about the benefits of becoming a co-op employer.
Each summer, a number of students are selected for paid work opportunities in the fields and grounds of the Weston Centre . This allows them to build on the learning from their first year and take part in legacy projects.
Durham College’s recently announced partnership with The Barrett Family Foundation will support the creation of a centre of excellence and new urban farm in Durham Region. The Barrett Centre of Innovation in Sustainable Urban Agriculture will become an internationally recognized hub of excellence in urban agriculture practices, research, education, and training, creating a range of new opportunities for students.