RESOURCE DESCRIPTION CONTACT INFORMATION Campus Health and Wellness Centre The Campus Health Centre provides medical support, counselling and mental health services available to Durham College students. Campus Recreation and Wellness Centre, Room G1030 T:905.721.3037 Monday to Friday: 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Office of Campus Safety Campus members can seek support from the Office of Campus Safety for information and referral services, safety planning, and to file formal reports. South Wing, Simcoe Village Residence 1910 Simcoe St. N., 1st Floor, Room 1099 T: 905.721.2000 ext. 2400 E: Access and Support Centre (ASC) Students with exceptionalities may access services through the Access and Support Centre. Oshawa campus: Gordon Willey building, Room SW116 T: 905.721.3123 E: Whitby campus: Room 180 T: 905.721.2000 ext. 4141 E: Monday to Friday: 8:30am to 4:30 p.m. Durham College Student Association – Support Hub The Support Hub provides student support, information and referral services. Services are available to all Durham College students. Student Centre, 2nd Floor T: 905 721-2000 ext. 7615 Monday to Friday: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Durham College Students’ Inc. Legal Aid Clinic The DCSI Legal Aid Clinic provides free legal advice for students, by appointment only. Student Centre, 2nd Floor Appointments can be booked online via: clinic/. First Peoples Indigenous Centre The First Peoples Indigenous Centre offers a culturally supportive environment where all Frist Nations, Inuit, Metis, status and non-status students can get support and assistance through traditional teachings. T: 905.721.2000 ext. 2573 or 2529 E: Monday to Friday: 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Online and Community Resources Available to Students I.M. WELL Durham College Students Inc. offers a Student Assistance Program (SAP) to help offer confidential off-site telephone counselling assistance (24/7) for any personal or school related issues. T: 1.833.398.9040 Daily: 24 hours Good2Talk Good2Talk is a free, confidential and anonymous helpline providing professional counselling and information and referrals for mental health, addictions and well- being to post-secondary students in Ontario. T: 1.866.925.5454 or connect through 2-1-1 Daily: 24 hours Durham Region Domestic Violence/Sexual Assault Care Centre – Lakeridge Health The Sexual Assault Care Centre offers 24 hour service provided through the Emergency Department; emergency medical and nursing care; forensic evidence collection and documentation; testing and treatment of sexually transmitted infections, pregnancy and HIV; crisis counselling and follow-up; safety planning; and referral services. 1 Hospital Court, Oshawa, Ontario T: 905.905.576-8711 ext. 3286 F: 905-743-6908 Monday to Friday: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Emergency Contact information: T: 905.576.8711 ext. 3286 Daily: 24 hours Durham Rape Crisis Centre The Durham Rape Crisis Centre provides support services to recent as well as historical or childhood survivors of sexual assault, sexual harassment, and childhood sexual abuse. Oshawa, Ontario T: 905.444.9672 F: 905.444.9277 E: 24 hour Crisis and Support Line: 905.668.9200 Distress Centre Durham Provides a 24-hour helpline service, suicide/homicide survivor support groups, adolescent suicide awareness, community support groups, and Prideline Durham which supports members of the LGBTQ2+ community. 306 Brock St. N. Whitby, ON T: 905.430.3511 Hours of Admin operation: Monday to Friday: 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Distress Centre Helpline: 905.430.2522 or 1.800.452.0688 Daily: 24 hours Prideline Durham: 1.855.87.PRIDE (77433) Daily: 6 to 10 p.m. Durham Regional Police Services Community members in immediate danger should call 911 for police assistance. Those who are not immediately in danger may contact the non- emergency line to report incidents of sexual violence, seek support, and file a formal police report. Emergency: T: 911 Non-emergency: T: 1.888.579.1520 DRPS Victim Services Victim Services provides victims of any crime or tragedy with free and confidential supportive services aimed at early intervention. We provide police-referred, immediate (on-site or over the phone) and/or follow-up crisis intervention. 605 Rossland Road East, Whitby, Ontario T: 905.579.1520 ext. 3400 or 1.888.579.1520 ext. 3400 F: 905.579.5343 E: Hours of operation: Daily: 24 hours with police referral Trillium Regional Sexual Serving clients who have been sexually assaulted or have been victims of Mississauga Hospital Emergency Department, 100 Queensway Way, Assault & Domestic Violence Services domestic violence within Peel Region. Services include media support, follow-up medical services, counselling services, and community referrals. Mississauga Assaulted Women’s Helpline T: 1.866.863.0511 Daily: 24 hours Peel Region’s Hope Place T: 1.800.810.0180 Daily: 24 hours Support Services Network for Male Survivors in Ontario Survivors also have access to a 24-hour, multilingual, toll-free phone line for immediate crisis and referral services. T: 1-866-887-0015 Daily: 24 hours Employee Support In addition to the supports listed above, employees may seek support through Durham College’s EAP provide Shepell by creating an account at Quick exit