2019-20 Regular meetings of the board are generally held at 6 p.m. on the second Wednesday of the month with the exception of September, November, January, March, July and August, in the Durham College Boardroom, Gordon Willey building, Room A144, Oshawa campus. Members of the community may attend public board meetings. Seating is limited; please make arrangements in advance with Melissa Pringle, corporate and board secretary at 905.721.2000, ext 3292. For access to meeting link, please contact Corporate and Board Secretary at melissa.pringle@websiteredesign.durhamcollege.ca. NOTE: Archived electronic copies of minutes are available on this website dating back to September 2000. Any board minutes pre-dating September 2000 are available by contacting Melissa Pringle. October 9, 2019 Agenda [PDF] Minutes [PDF] December 11, 2019 Agenda [PDF] Minutes [PDF] February 12, 2020 Agenda [PDF] Minutes [PDF] April 8, 2020 Agenda [PDF] Minutes [PDF] May 13, 2020 Agenda [PDF] Minutes [PDF] June 3, 2020 Agenda [PDF] Minutes [PDF]