
Based on By-law No. 1, the terms of reference of the Governance Review Committee are:

  • To review current governance practice to ensure effective operation of the Board of Governors;
  • To confirm how the current governance policy structure is serving the College and explore ways to build on these strengths;
  • To assist the Board of Governors in fulfilling its governance oversight responsibilities;
  • To develop strategies to assist new governors to develop advanced governance knowledge;
  • To develop an effective communication mechanism for the flow of information between Committees and the Board;
  • To annually review the Durham College Board By-laws;
  • To review Board policies pursuant to the established renewal schedule, or prior to the established date of renewal if changes are required to meet any new or amended legislative requirements.
  • To receive and review the President’s annual compliance report.
  • To annually review the board skills matrix.

Regular meetings of Governance Review Committee are held by video conference.

Members of the public can request access to the meeting link by contacting Melissa Pringle, corporate and board secretary at melissa.pringle@websiteredesign.durhamcollege.ca or 905.721.2000 ext. 3292.

Scheduled meetings for 2021-2022:

Members of the Governance Review Committee for 2021-2022 are:

  • Elizabeth Cowie, Chair
  • Gary Rose, Vice-Chair
  • Kenneth Michalko
  • Kunal Nagpal
  • Jerry Ouellette
  • Kristi Honey, Chair of the Board
  • Don Lovisa, President