News Archive Durham College names the Centre for Food after W. Galen WestonDurham College (DC) announced today that it has named the Centre for Food (CFF) at the Whitby campus after Mr. W. Galen Weston in recognition... Durham College honours graduates at 2016 Fall ConvocationWhile the fall season meant the beginning of school for many Durham College (DC) students, it has also brought an exciting culmination of post-secondary pursuits... Golden Again! DC wins their 18th OCAA women’s softball titleDurham College won their unprecedented 18th Ontario Colleges Athletic Association (OCAA) women’s softball title last weekend with an 11-6 victory over the St. Clair Saints in... DC students and staff host filmmaking demonstrationRecently over 30 Durham College (DC) students and employees from the School of Media, Art and Design (MAD) hosted a filmmaking demonstration at the Docville... DC to host the inaugural National College Baseball InvitationalDurham College will host the top intercollegiate baseball teams in the country at the 2016 Canadian College Baseball National Championship from Thursday, October 27 to Saturday, October... Participants and sponsors go the #distanceforDC at the Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront MarathonOn Sunday, October 16 more than 26,000 people took part in the Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront Marathon including 28 participants from Durham College (DC). Three teams... Ontario colleges are leading the fight to tackle climate change: reportThrough multiple initiatives and research projects focused on sustainability and a commitment to sound building principles, Durham College (DC) announced today that it pleased to... Durham College student’s mural installed at City HallA mural design created by Allanah Larsen, a graduate of Durham College’s (DC) School of Media, Art & Design (MAD) in the Fine Arts – Advanced... DC holds annual Campus MarketDespite some rainy weather, visitors to Durham College (DC) were treated to a small farmers’ market on September 29 when the annual Campus Market took... DC celebrates student’s hit single with take on Carpool KaraokeDurham College (DC) president Don Lovisa is giving James Corden, host of The Late Late Show with James Corden, some competition! Lovisa has teamed up... « 1 … 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 … 166 »