Starting Your Online Course Welcome to online learning at Durham College's Professional and Part-Time Learning (PPL). Now that you’re ready to begin your online education, there are a few things you can do before the course start date, including: Review all information on this page. Ensure that you have reliable internet access. Arrange to purchase any needed textbooks or materials. Accessing your Online Course PPL currently offers courses utilizing multiple platforms. A course is either offered through our in-house platform, DC Connect, or through OntarioLearn. Each platform has a different login procedure. Just before classes begin, you will receive a welcome email for each course you have registered for. This email will give you the specific information you need to access that course. Please choose the platform below as referenced in each of your course welcome emails to view each login procedure: DC Connect Platform OntarioLearn Platform Please Note You will not be able to access your course prior to the start date. For those registering after the official start date, it may take up to 48 hours to access your course. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION All start-up information, including FAQ’s, details about required textbooks, videos, technical support and scheduling exams, can be found by visiting here. COURSE WITHDRAWALS AND REFUNDS All start-up Please visit the Withdrawals and Refunds webpage for more information on deadlines and to access the course withdrawal form. All withdrawals are subject to a $30 administration fee; only the course tuition fee will be eligible for a refund. Textbooks or any other supplies purchased by a student are their sole responsibility. STUDENT SUPPORT SERVICES Durham College recognizes the importance of inclusive learning environments designed for diverse learners. The Access and Support Centre (ASC) provides confidential services to students who are temporarily at-risk or identified with an exceptionality, to ensure equal access to all aspects of the academic environment. Students who require ASC support are encouraged to contact them at 905-721-3123. You can view the complete list of student services on the Access and Support Centre webpage. HOW TO GRADUATE Once you have completed your course and program requirements, please remember to apply to graduate so that we can recognize your hard work and efforts! GET IN TOUCH WITH US We hope you find this information helpful and that you will enjoy your course! If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our team at