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Anatomy and Physiology (PSW to PN)

ANAT 1584

This course supports an understanding of how the integrity of the human body, in the biological sense, influences health. The content focuses on the anatomical structure and physiological function of all body systems. Throughout the course the learner will examine how the body systems individually and collectively contribute to the maintenance of homeostasis, and thus optimal health of the overall system.


Minimum passing grade is 60%.

Admission Requirements:

  • This course is only available to students who have been ACCEPTED into the PSW to PN Bridge. If you register for this course without receiving your acceptance letter you will be removed from the course and charged our standard withdrawal fee.
  • Students are NOT required to take all bridge courses in one semester. Students should reference the section of the PPL website for more detail on future registration dates. These are asynchronous courses that require students to follow a weekly schedule and complete all assessments within the assigned timeframes. These are not self-paced offerings. Students who successfully complete each of the pathway courses with a minimum passing grade of 60% (*80% in Math for Practical Nurses) are eligible to apply through the Ontario Colleges’ Application Service (OCAS) for direct admission into Semester Two of the PN Diploma Program.

This course is part of the following program(s):

Note: Clicking on any of the following links will take you to the program of studies where you can obtain more information or choose additional courses for your shopping cart.

Scheduled Dates

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CRN Day Date Time Hours Location/
Delivery Method
Fee Availability
11083June 3, 2024 to September 9, 202412:00 am - 12:01 am42Monthly Intake Online$367.73CLOSEDNotify Me
11084August 1, 2024 to November 7, 202412:00 am - 12:01 am42Monthly Intake Online$367.73CLOSEDNotify Me
10710October 1, 2024 to January 7, 202512:00 am - 12:01 am42Monthly Intake Online$342.50CLOSEDNotify Me
10711December 2, 2024 to March 10, 202512:00 am - 12:01 am42Monthly Intake Online$342.50CLOSEDNotify Me