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Violence Prevention and Conflict Avoidance- (Healthcare Code White Training.)
Program Information:
This program is designed for clinical AND non-clinical staff. Covers Violence Prevention, Conflict Avoidance, De-escalation skills, and non-violent crisis intervention techniques. Anyone working or considering employment in the healthcare field will find this invaluable training Organization such as hospitals or long-term care homes seeking to do mass training
No prerequisites required, only a willingness to learn. Add Healthcare Violence Prevention Training to your resume Add Code White Training to your resume Mandatory requirement for working in hospitals and extended care facilities. Improve job prospects with this training in hand Complete the training at your own pace Assistance is available from Subject Matter Experts via email
What is a “code white?” Any violence in a healthcare workplace falls under a Code White in most hospitals. It does not just apply to the patients. Clearly, not all people in a hospital are patients. Some are staff, others visitors or family and friends.
The term is simply a code to tell hospital employees that there is violence or a potential for violence within the hospital. This is similar to say a Code Blue where someone is in medical distress, or other codes that mean other things
Is this “Code White” training for the purposes of working in a hospital?-Yes. This is the academic portion of the Code White and Restraint Training Program for use in Ontario Hospital however it is becoming very popular with clinics and other types of healthcare settings. Do security guards need this additional training to be deployed to a hospital? Is it mandatory?- The Ministry of Health and Ministry of Labour released a report in 2018 with recommendations for training for all persons working on the frontline in healthcare. There is a specific section of this lengthy report that applies to security guards including mandatory training content, frequency of training and refresher programs. This was done to ensure that hospitals comply with Ontario legislation. Why do security guards need this training?- The level of violence in the healthcare workplace is escalating. Security guards are first responders that are specifically trained to deal with this as a part of the Code White team in that facility. What is included for “restraint” training?- An in depth look at the legalities surrounding the authorizations to use force on patients, articulation of incidents for inquests and court purposes, as well as an in depth module on the use of passive restraints, specifically the Pinel System. What is NVCI or CPI? Don’t I need to take this too?- Crisis Prevention Institute and Non-Violent Crisis Intervention is a copyrighted program based in the United States. While some healthcare facilities are still using it, many are not, for a long list of reasons surrounding due diligence.
We only provide Canadian content vetted through Canadian courts for the academic portion. Regards to the physical skills, Canadian and Ontario due diligence and “least restraint” best practices dictate specific techniques and skill sets that are acceptable and some that are not. Coroner’s inquests recommendations are also taken into account and followed in our programs.
Is there an in class portion available for Code White physical skills?- Yes. Previously we offered a two day, in class program. Since the beginning of the Covid19 pandemic, we switched this to one day in class and all the academics online. Hospital training is mandatory and an exception to the Covid restrictions so they are still being facilitated.
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Course Filled to Capacity. Unfortunately, registration is no longer available for this course. Please check the upcoming intakes or feel free to browse our website for other courses of interest.