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Managing Cognitive Load

MS Teams

Do your students seem overwhelmed during class? Do they forget information you just taught? Your students might be experiencing cognitive overload. In this session, you’ll learn how working memory limits […]

How to use Microsoft Teams and Zoom

MS Teams

This session will demonstrate how to use both Microsoft Teams and Zoom so you can choose which platform is most appropriate for your course. We will cover how to run […]

Pass/Fail and Flexible Gradebooks

MS Teams

The course outline lays the blueprint for the assessment of a course and faculty are required to create a gradebook in DC Connect that reflects the evaluation criteria described by […]

DC Connect – Using DC Connect Templates Drop-In

MS Teams

The percentage of mobile devices (smart phones and tablets) among college students continues to rise. DC Connect is now much more mobile friendly, with a cleaner and fully functional user […]

DC Connect: Introduction & Content

MS Teams

This introductory-level session will provide an overview of DC Connect and some of its most essential features and is strongly recommended based on Durham College's Learning Management System Use policy. This […]

Video Creation Open Dialogue

MS Teams

In this open dialogue, we're putting the spotlight on your video needs. We understand that each discipline and teaching style comes with its own set of challenges and opportunities relating […]

DC Connect: Supporting Student Success

MS Teams

This introductory-level session will introduce features of DC Connect that help to support students.  In discussing features like Release Conditions and Intelligent Agents we will be changing our focus from […]

Supporting Positive Collaborative Learning Experiences

MS Teams

Engaging students in collaborative learning can lead to deeper learning, but it can also feel unpleasant for both instructor and students. In this session, you will explore how to design […]