Spring Refresh PD – SoTL Information and Q&A Session
Did you know that you are likely engaging in educational research every time you teach a new concept or facilitate your students completing an activity? Most faculty are surprised to hear that they are! If you are interested in more formalized ways to conduct educational research […]
How to Use Microsoft Teams: The Basics
This session will demonstrate how to use Microsoft Teams to post your recorded session, create break-out sessions through channels, and use the assignments tab. Register Now!
All Things WebCOT
This is an open session where participants can ask questions they may have regarding the creation of course outlines, or regarding webCOT in general. Register Now!
Microsoft Teams: Level-up and Q&A
This collaborative session will provide faculty the opportunity to see advanced features inside of Microsoft Teams (such as breakout rooms), learn about new features coming to the platform, and participate in […]
Flexible Delivery Workshop Series Session 2: Course Design for Flexible and HyFlex Delivery Part 1
For the second session in this Flexible Workshop Series we will be exploring course design from a ‘digital by design’ lens as it pertains to flexible and hyflex delivery. We […]
Flexible Delivery Workshop Series Drop-in Session
We will be offering the opportunity to practice working in the Flexible Delivery Mode in SW101B – The CTL Faculty Playground. These drop-ins will allow you to explore, with assistance […]
How to Use Zoom: The Basics
This session will demonstrate how to get started with using Zoom in DC Connect. Faculty will learn to run an effective synchronous session, schedule Zoom meetings, create breakout rooms, and […]
SoTL Proposal Q&A Drop-in
Are you considering a SoTL project or preparing your proposal and have questions? Stop in for answers and/or support for your project proposal. Register Now!
How to Create Videos for your Course(s) – Windows
This session will provide an overview for Windows users, of how to create videos for your course. Methods for creating the following types of videos will be discussed: slide show […]
DC Connect: Quizzes
This intermediate-level session will introduce the Quizzes tool in DC Connect. Participants are expected to have a basic familiarity with DC Connect prior to attending this session. Register Now!