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Beginning on Wednesday, October 16 and ending at nightfall on Friday, October 23, Sukkot is a holiday that is celebrated by Jewish people in Canada and globally. Sukkot celebrates the […]

Mature Students Webinar

Online - webinar

Do you consider yourself to be an “Adult Learner” or “Mature Student”? Whether you’ve been to college before, started working right out of high school, never finished your schooling, or […]

Academic Integrity Workshop

Online - webinar

Learn about Durham College’s Academic Integrity policy, what plagiarism is and how it is detected, the basics of referencing, and strategies and resources for completing your studies in an open, […]

Test and Exam Preparation Workshop

Online - webinar

Develop strategies to help you prepare for and complete tests and exams. Learn about a number of test and exam question formats and terminology. Please note that you must currently […]

Midterm Grades are Available

Official midterm grades are available to view electronically on MyDC as of 4:00 p.m.

EMPLOYEES: Coffee with Clinicians

In-person Oshawa Campus 2000 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa, Ontario, Canada

Please join us for Coffee with Clinicians, an hour long open-support session to discuss Student’s Mental Health on campus. This is in collaboration with our new Supporting Student Mental Health […]

College Information Program (CIP) – Oshawa Campus

Gordon Willey Building, SW Entrance Oshawa campus, 2000 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa

Future students and teachers, join us for College Information Program at Durham College! Anyone planning their post-secondary future is invited to our College Information Program (CIP) event hosted at our […]

Time Management and Organization Workshop

Online - webinar

Start off your semester properly by learning strategies to manage your time. Use various tools to get organized and become a more efficient student. Please note that you must currently […]

Camp Wellness: Health Hikes

In-person Oshawa Campus 2000 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa, Ontario, Canada

Interested in hiking but don't know where to start? Join us for Hiking 101 - an introduction into walking in the woods completing a 3km hike together! We will discuss […]