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Design Your Career


Unlock your career potential! Attend our interactive workshop to help create a roadmap for success, navigate obstacles, and enhance your work life. Let's shape your path to thriving! Register here: […]

Employees: Coffee with Clinicians

Wellness Den C128, Oshawa campus , Canada

​Please join us for Coffee with Clinicians, an hour long open-support session to discuss Student’s Mental Health on campus in collaboration with our new Supporting Student Mental Health Employee Guide. […]

Academic Integrity Workshop

Online - webinar

Learn about Durham College’s Academic Integrity policy, what plagiarism is and how it is detected, the basics of referencing, and strategies and resources for completing your studies in an open, […]

Start Strong Series: DCSA – Meet Your Student Union


Join the Durham College Student Association (DCSA) to learn about the services and supports that your student association provides. Find out about DCSA Orientation Week events, clubs, and student leadership […]

Test & Exam Preparation Workshop

Online - webinar

Develop strategies to help you prepare for and complete tests and exams. Learn about a number of test and exam question formats and terminology. Please note that you must currently […]

Test & Exam Preparation Workshop

Online - webinar

Develop strategies to help you prepare for and complete tests and exams. Learn about a number of test and exam question formats and terminology. Please note that you must currently […]