As a student from outside Ontario, you may be eligible for loans and bursaries through your home province or territory. “Home” province or territory is usually defined as the province in which your parents currently reside, or, if you are an independent applicant, the province in which you have most recently lived and worked for 12 consecutive months (excluding residence for full-time attendance at a post-secondary institution). Use the links below to find out more about Government assistance in your home province.

Requesting a Payment Deferral

If you will be receiving funding from a Provincial Student Aid Program and you intend to complete your fee payment with these funds, you may be eligible to defer the payment of your Fall /Winter  fees without incurring a late payment charge. In order to do this you must pay your $500 deposit by the deadline date and send confirmation of your out of province funding assessment to the Financial Aid and Awards office via email to before your remaining tuition payment deadline.

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