Computer Systems Technician Transfer to Ontario Tech University Bachelor of Information Technology (CSTU) Why and how do I apply internally to be accepted into the CSTU program? WHY – The CSTU program includes university courses. Ontario Tech requires students to apply and meet a minimum grade requirement for admission to their courses. HOW – An information session is planned where we provide details about the program and mandatory Ontario Tech application. There is an enforced due date for the Ontario Tech application and it is submitted online. Every student interested in the embedded program must submit the application. Are there differences when learning at two institutions? Yes, there are many. You are registered at two separate institutions with varying expectations, procedures and policies. You are required to adhere to both institutional policies. There can also be different break weeks, start dates and end dates. CSTU is a unique program and it is important that you keep track of the important dates and details. What Learning Management System (LMS) does Ontario Tech use? Ontario Tech uses Canvas. Your embedded Ontario Tech courses will not appear on DC Connect and you will need to access Canvas for all Ontario Tech courses and information. Here is a page with a few Canvas tutorials: Do I use MyDC for both Durham College and Ontario Tech? No. MyDC is for the college only. Ontario Tech uses MyOntarioTech ( Both are used for administrative records, final grades, registration, fees and important messages and should be checked on a regular basis. Where, how and when do I pay the Ontario Tech fees? Your account will be updated with the fees you owe through MyOntarioTech. Please check your account and ensure you have paid all courses fees. You may pay these fees through a bank transfer or bank draft. Bank drafts can be submitted in person at the Software and Informatics Research Centre located across the street at 40 Conlin Road West. Please visit the following link regarding payment and refund deadlines: There are a variety of ways to pay your tuition fees, compulsory ancillary fees and program associated fees. Important: it may take five business days for payment to post to your MyOntarioTech account. Methods of payment Please use this link for a list of payment options, methods of payment, acceptable and non-acceptable options: What happens after Year 2? You are required to have successfully completed all year one and two courses with a cumulative GPA of 3.5 and a minimum ‘C’ in the five embedded Ontario Tech courses to apply to enter year three. This is year three of the four-year Bachelor of Information Technology (Hons) degree at Ontario Tech. Admissions staff at Ontario Tech, in conjunction with admission staff at DC, will schedule an information session (typically in March of semester four) to respond to questions and explain the application process for Ontario Tech. Please attend this information session for valuable information and an opportunity to ask any questions. Can I repeat a Ontario Tech course if I fail it? Yes, but only one time and you will need to pay the full university fee to retake the course. If you are required to retake an Ontario Tech course you would request to meet with your Durham College Student Advisor to complete the course registration forms prior to the registration deadline. Students do not register themselves for any of the Ontario Tech courses. What are the five embedded Ontario Tech courses that I need to take? The embedded Ontario Tech courses you take are Discrete Mathematics, Introductory Calculus, Computer Architecture, Algorithms & Data Structures and Introduction to Networking II. *Courses and program of studies are subject to change by DC and Ontario Tech. Can I make schedule (timetable) changes? Sometimes this is possible for the Durham College courses, but definitely not for the Ontario Tech courses. We also prefer that you remain in the scheduled block for your Durham College courses so you are together as a cohort. This makes it easier to plan sessions for you and get important information to you in person. Can I apply for credit transfer? If you have studied previously at Durham College or another recognized post-secondary institution, you may be eligible to receive credit for Durham College courses. However, Ontario Tech will not accept any credit transfers for any embedded courses. Students are required to complete all five embedded courses with Ontario Tech. Application and further information is available on MyDC or by using this link, What is the grade requirement to be in the program? We recommend that students have a 4.0 or ‘A’ (80 to 84 per cent) average in their semester one, year one courses before they apply to the CSTU program for semester two; however, the requirement is a ‘B+’ (75 to 79 per cent) average or 3.5 GPA in the Durham College courses. You must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.5 in all Durham College courses and receive a minimum ‘C’ (60 to 66 per cent) grade in each of the Ontario Tech courses. Each institution has different grading systems. Please see each of the institutional charts for clarification. What diploma will I graduate with? Durham College diploma will be: Computer Systems Technician (two year). What will I major in at Ontario Tech? For participants of this program, the Bachelor of Information Technology program will include a major in Networking and IT Security at Ontario Tech. If I complete the two-year CSTU diploma, but I don’t want to continue to Ontario Tech can I enter Year 3 of the Computer Systems Technology program at DC? You would need to be assessed for advanced standing and would need to meet with your Durham College student advisor to review your status and set up an academic plan. The program of studies are different so an academic plan will be needed.