Better Jobs Ontario What is Better Jobs Ontario? The Better Jobs Ontario office at Durham College will provide you with training proposals based on our eligible programs, along with everything you need to apply for your program of interest. You must contact a Durham College Better Jobs Ontario advisor to obtain your personalized proposal package. To learn more about Better Jobs Ontario, you can read more here. On-Campus vs Off-Site – which option is best for you? Durham College understands that some students will appreciate the benefit and flexibility of online learning. We’re pleased to offer you the option to study online at home or use on-campus quiet study spaces. Online students are responsible for arranging their own access to a computer and reliable internet during their studies. Additionally, desktop computers and internet are available at the Oshawa and Whitby campuses in the Computer Commons. Students may also choose to bring their personal computers and access quiet study spaces with free Wi-Fi at the Oshawa or Whitby campuses. Online Learning Provides the opportunity to study from the comfort of your own computer or using Oshawa campus’ quiet study space. Three semester start dates: September, January or May. Online learners can access their courses and technical support 24 hours a day/seven days a week. Off-site learners are responsible for software/hardware requirements. Online Programs available to Better Jobs Ontario students The following certificate programs are available to both on-campus and off-site students who are eligible for funding through the Better Jobs Ontario program. Certificate Programs: Bookkeeping Business Fundamentals Building Environmental Systems – Operator (Certificate) Client and Customer Relations Construction Estimator (Certificate) ELearning Developer (Certificate) Environmental Management (Certificate) Food Service Worker Geographic Information Systems Health and Safety for the Workplace Home Inspection Hospital Nursing Unit Clerk Leadership Development Series Legal Office Assistant Microsoft Office Office Technology Administration Operations Management Technical Support Analyst (Certificate) Graduate Certificates: Human Resources Management Frequently Asked Questions Where do I start? The first step is to contact an Employment Ontario agency. A case counsellor will talk to you about your career goals and if Better Jobs Ontario is right for you. Determine the program you wish to attend with the help of your counsellor. Connect with Durham College to get help with your research on your program of choice. Notify your case counsellor and inform her or him of your decision and/or acceptance. Am I eligible for funding? You qualify for Better Jobs Ontario if you either: have been laid-off and have not been working or are working a temporary job just to cover costs have not been laid-off but have been unemployed for six months or longer and are part of a low-income household You can still apply if you receive either: Employment Insurance (EI) Ontario Works (OW) Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) Contact the nearest Employment Ontario agency to see if you qualify for funding. As a mature student am I required to meet the entrance requirements that are listed for my program of choice? Applicants aged 19 or older as of the first day of school, and who do not possess an Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD), may be considered for admission as mature students. Mature applicants must complete all program prerequisites to be considered for admission and are considered on an individual basis. Do you accept the GED? Yes, Durham College may accept the GED for non-highly competitive programs and programs where there are no minimum percentage requirements. It is recommended that you check with Admission Services to determine if the GED is acceptable for your program of choice. DOES DURHAM COLLEGE SET ASIDE SPACE FOR BETTER JOBS ONTARIO ELIGIBLE APPLICANTS? No. Better Jobs Ontario eligible applicants follow the same application procedure as all applicants and must meet the same eligibility criteria and applicable deadlines. How do I apply to Durham College School of Professional and Part-time Learning programs? For all programs with admission applications, you will find the program admission form on the program webpage. You will need to submit the form and supporting documentation to the Professional and Part-time Learning Better Jobs Ontario Advisor. MY COUNSELLOR SAID I NEED AN ACCEPTANCE LETTER; HOW DO I GET THIS FROM DURHAM COLLEGE? The letter of acceptance will be included in your Better Jobs Ontario Proposal package. What are NOC codes? The National Occupational Classification (NOC) 2006 provides a standardized language for describing the work performed by Canadians in the labour market. The NOC tool classifies occupations with a four-digit code according to skill type and level. The digits of the NOC code reflect important information about the occupation it represents. By providing a standard way of organizing labour market information, the NOC helps all Canadians become better informed about the world of work. WHAT PROGRAMS QUALIFY FOR BETTER JOBS ONTARIO? To qualify for Better Jobs Ontario funding, programs must take 52 weeks or less to complete and meet the National Occupational Classification (NOC Code) Level B or C. To view a list of the Centre for Professional and Part-time Learning online programs that are eligible for Better Jobs Ontario funding please see the website at How do I obtain my transcripts? High school transcripts can be obtained by contacting the last high school you attended. If they do not have your transcripts on file they will direct you to the school board office. WHAT IS THE URL FOR THE ONTARIO BETTER JOBS ONTARIO WEBSITE? For more information please visit: Will you accept a copy of my transcript? The Centre for Professional and Part-time Learning will accept copies of original transcripts. What if I have international transcripts? Applicants who have been educated outside Canada must submit proof of educational qualifications. All documents should be sent to either ICAS or WES where they will be evaluated to determine if the level of achievement is equivalent to the Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD). ICAS – International Credential Assessment Service 1.800.321.6021 (toll free) or 519.763.7282 WES – World Education Services 1.866.343.0070 (toll free) or 416.972.0070 What if I don't have the entrance requirements listed for my program of choice? If there are prerequisite courses that are necessary for your skills training for Better Jobs Ontario, one year is allowed to complete the necessary prerequisites. Durham College offers Academic Upgrading that can help you to reach the admissions requirements of your program or you can complete academic upgrading through your local board of education. All credits completed must be at the level indicated for the program. What if I attended high school, college or university more than 20 years ago? Your transcripts will still be on file with the school or board office. Please contact the school for further instructions on how to obtain your transcript. Please expect two to four weeks to receive the documents. What financial support is available? The total amount of financial assistance available for an individual’s Better Jobs Ontario training is $28,000. This includes tuition, books and other instructional costs, transportation and basic living allowance (during skills training). Additional costs may be considered for disability accommodation, dependent care, living away from home and academic upgrading. How do students participate in online learning? Students will acquire their own laptop from a vendor of their choosing as well as the hardware and software components required by their respective program. Online students must have internet access. Should I finish my upgrading before making my application? Applications can be made prior to completing your academic upgrading. If you provide Durham College Centre for Professional and Part-time Learning with a letter from the academic upgrading institution, showing proof of enrolment in the required courses, we may be able to give you a conditional offer of admission. The conditions will be outlined in a letter from the college and must be completed by the deadline date specified in the letter.