Instruction Library Instructional Lab Library Instruction Courses in DC Connect The Learning Portal Accessibility Librarians work with faculty to support students' development of research and information literacy skills. Instruction is often connected to specific assignments and is aligned with course learning outcomes. Instruction may take the form of an in-class session, a customized online resource (i.e. a module in DC Connect or a course tab in a research guide), or a virtual session through Zoom, Google Meet or another platform if the class is online. Book a Library Workshop Subject Librarians Best Practices: To ensure librarian availability and adequate preparation time, we require at least 2 weeks advance notice before your first choice session. Additional notice is preferred for classes that take place on evenings or weekends or in the spring/summer semester Consider scheduling your class within 2-3 weeks of your students’ assignment deadline; this makes it easier for your students to apply the skills learned in class to their assignment(s) We recommend that instructors attend the scheduled Library class, as students are more engaged when their instructor is present guide Please provide a copy of the assignment, evaluation criteria, course outline and any other relevant curriculum information to help your Librarian customize the session to meet the needs of your students Common areas of instruction include: INTRODUCTORY Introduction to the Library’s services and resources Searching for books, articles, and media using the Library website (Omni) Identifying types of information sources used in a discipline or subject area Introduction to article database searching Evaluating information sources/critical thinking Distinguishing between scholarly and popular sources Using citation guides and tools ADVANCED Advanced use of discipline-specific specialized information sources (e.g. market research, data, patents, grey literature) Advanced literature searching Finding, evaluating, using and creating Open Educational Resources (OERs) SPECIALIZED We are also able to offer more specialized topics, including workshops on citation management tools like Zotero or Mendeley, copyright, and 3D printing. The Oshawa Campus Library's Instructional Lab is available for Library instruction sessions and workshops. With a total of 58 computer workstations, the lab can be used as a single space or divided in two. Librarians have developed a series of e-learning courses in DC Connect. Newly revised over the summer of 2023, the previous course consisting of three modules is now three separate stand-alone courses. Students can self-register in the DC Connect Library Online courses and earn digital badges upon completion. It is recommended that students start with the Searching Omni for Books, Articles and More course. The other two courses are valuable to students with more advanced research requirements, or looking for more in-depth information literacy skills. Library Online - Searching Omni for Books, Articles and More: This practical course recommended for all Library users teaches students the basics of searching for books, articles and more in the Library’s academic search tool, Omni. This course covers keyword search strategies, filters for refining results, and specialized tools in Omni for creating citations, saving searches and results, and accessing full text for online resources. Library Online - Introduction to Information Literacy: Introduces students to the various types of information sources available in the library and teach them how to find the right sources to meet their needs. This course covers all stages of the research process, from choosing a topic, planning a search strategy, reading and creating citations and selecting and evaluating appropriate academic sources. Library Online - Advanced Searching for Research Articles: Assists students in developing advanced search skills to find research articles in the Library’s subject databases. This course covers advanced topics like developing a research question, keyword and subject heading searches and advanced database search features. Library Online courses includes text, images, videos, interactive quizzes and activities designed to support the development of information literacy skills in your class so that your students are prepared to find, evaluate and ethically use information from Library resources in their assignments. The Centre for Teaching and Learning provides useful documentation on how to import content into your DC Connect course. If you need assistance, please contact your Subject Librarian. We are always here to help! USE PERSISTENT LINKS For copyright compliance, using persistent links is the preferred method for sharing Library resources in DC Connect. Posting PDF or scanned copies of resources is often prohibited by the license terms for Library resources, and there are restrictions on how much content can be shared under the Fair Dealing provisions of the Copyright Act. Persistent links are links that remain constant and can be used in reading lists and course outlines. They are different from the link in the address bar of your browser, which is temporary and unique to that browsing session. Instructions for creating persistent links to library resources are available on our website under Library Resources for Remote Users. In Omni, you can find an option for the Permalink in the ellipsis menu for an individual item. In databases, the link can be found in a variety of places, including below the abstract or in a Share menu. If you cannot find the persistent link for the item you wish to use, please contact your Subject Librarian for assistance. EMBED A LIBRARY RESEARCH GUIDE IN YOUR COURSE Library Research Guides are curated collections of the best resources for your course and program. Adding a Research Guide to your DC Connect course can help your students to find the best resources for their assignments and connect them to the Library’s supports and services. Navigate to the Durham College Library Research Guides index and copy the URL for the Research Guide you want to embed. In the DC Connect Module where you want to embed the Research Guide, click the New button and select Create a Link Enter the title and paste the URL for the Research Guide you want to embed Click Create and see your program’s Research Guide embedded into your DC Connect course The Learning Portal is an open learning resource with modules on study skills, research, writing, digital literacies, digital citizenship and careers. Created by College Libraries Ontario (CLO), the portal’s content is free to be used, copied and adapted. For an overview of the Library's accessible facilities, related services, adaptive equipment and assistive-use carrels, see the Accessibility page. You can search for captioned videos in our collection using the library catalogue Advanced Search feature. Using the Advanced Catalogue Search, type in caption* along with your topic (the * retrieves all possible endings of the word 'caption'). The Library provides a variety of resources in accessible formats: STREAMED VIDEO COLLECTIONS The Library’s streamed video collections provide closed captions and in some cases, additional accessible features (e.g. transcripts). CBC Curio Films on Demand Kanopy McIntyre Media NFB Campus more streamed video collections DVDS The Library will provide, on request, a transcript or closed-captioned version of any DVD in our collection for students with perceptual disabilities. If you require a transcript or captioned version, please contact ACE (ACCESSIBLE CONTENT E-PORTAL) The Accessible Content E-Portal (ACE), a service of Scholars Portal, provides alternative formats for Library print materials. Formats include PDF, DAISY, ePub and plain text. Contact for more information.