The U-PASS program provides students with unlimited travel each semester on Durham Region Transit (DRT). A DRT U-PASS is available to student registered in a full-time post-secondary program. U-PASS does not have an opt out option as all full-time students pay ancillary fees to enable access to services at a lower cost than would be possible on an individual basis. U-PASS will be available based on the term that you have registered for: Fall: September 1 to December 31 Winter: January 1 to April 30 Spring/Summer: May 1 to August 31 Digital U-PASS is non-transferrable and valid for travel on DRT services only You are required to display and scan this digital E-Ticket each time you board DRT The U-PASS can only be downloaded on a single device. Ensure that you downloaded the ETickets app on the mobile device you are using during travel Passes will be released by semester. You will receive an email to your email address each semester that you are eligible If you withdraw from your full-time studies by the 100% refund deadline, your U-PASS access will be removed If you do not have a mobile device, contact for further assistance DOWNLOAD THE PRESTO E-TICKETS APP Access your U-PASS Sign up using your dcmail email account. You will need access to your email account to verify your email or use the reset password functionality. If you receive this message, then go back to the login screen and “Forget Password?”. Check your dcmail for the reset instructions. Your U-Pass will show under the “Available” section. After clicking on your U-Pass a pop up will appear notifying you when your pass will expire. This is the QR Code you will scan when getting on the bus. You will need to open the E-Tickets app every time you use DRT. A screen shot of this QR code will not work. HAVE A NEW MOBILE DEVICE? CONTACT CAMPUS ID BY: Email: Email us using your dcmail account Subject – New Device Include student number in email Take Ticket at Kiosk in Student Services Building FAQs What is U-Pass (e-ticket) Universal Transit Pass (U-Pass) is the name of the e-ticket that eligible full-time students use to access all DRT services. U-Pass is a general transit pass that provides eligible, full-time students with unlimited travel each semester on Durham Region Transit (DRT) only. How do I access my digital U-Pass? U-Pass is offered digitally. Digital U-Passes are distributed to eligible full-time students at the beginning of each semester through the Presto eTicket app. You must download the app from your app store and create an account using your email and a password of your choosing. More information on how to use your U-Pass can be found here. If you do not have a mobile device, contact When Can I start using my U-Pass? U-Pass will be available based on the term that you have registered for: Fall – September 1 – December 31 Winter – January 1 – April 30 Spring/Summer – May 1 – August 31 I downloaded the Presto app, but I can’t see my U-Pass there. Ensure that you’ve downloaded the correct Presto App. You may have downloaded the Presto app, rather than the Presto e-tickets app; they look very similar. Make sure you’ve used your (not, or when you created your account on the app. If you use anything other than the email given to you by Durham College, you will not be able to see your U-Pass. It is only sent to your official Durham College student email address. What if I change or lose my device with my U-Pass on it? Please reach out to to request your U-Pass be removed from your prior device and added to your new device. What if I am not eligible for a U-Pass? U-Pass is given to eligible full-time students for each semester they are enrolled in a full-time course load. U-Pass does not have an opt out option as all full-time students pay ancillary fees to enable access to services at a lower cost than would be possible on an individual basis. If you are not eligible for U-Pass you can purchase a daily, weekly, or monthly transit pass directly from DRT. Why isn’t my U-Pass working on my device? Presto e-tickets for U-Pass sometimes has issues on certain devices. If your device was not manufactured in North America, there is a chance that QR code will show on the bus as invalid. In any event that the U-Pass is scanned as invalid, show live U-Pass screen to the driver for them to visually verify that yours is a valid U-Pass and they will let you board. What happens if I lose my device or physical Presto card with my U-Pass on it? If you lose your phone with your U-Pass on it, we can digitally pull it back and reissue it to your new device at no additional cost. Which department do I get in touch with if I am having issue with my U-Pass? Please reach out to Campus ID Services at