WellPod@DC The Wellpod@DC is a collaboration between the Campus Health and Wellness Centre, Student Academic Learning Services and the DCSA Media Hub Riot Radio. Let’s explore what it means to be well, from meditation, stress management, safer substance use and sexual health, we will literally talk sex, drugs and rock & roll. Join us to deep dive into some student health questions; we’ll learn about wellness together, try some coping tools and meet some interesting people. Your co-hosts Heather and Craig (the perfect blend of CHWC and SALS) each week will DIY a wellness tool together and then nerd out and dig into the science behind how the tool works. Email your health and wellness related questions to wellpod@websiteredesign.durhamcollege.ca to be discussed anonymously on air. Welcome to the Wellpod@DC! Live Thursdays 3pm on RIOTRADIO.CA Past Episodes Season 3 Episode 1: Pressure to Fit ft Marisa + Brianna Episode 2: The Integrous Student (ft. Jean, Sandra, Leslie and Corey) Episode 3: Sex doesn’t have to be spooky Episode 4: Scared Smart: Turning Fear into Fuel Episode 5: Money, Money, Money Ft Celeste Coles Episode 6: Sugar, oh Honey Honey Ft Michelle Pitman Episode 7: Beyond the Red Ribbon: Taking the Rights Path to HIV Awareness ft ACDR Episode 8: Case of the Grumpies - embracing doom + gloom ft. Ahil Nageswaran Episode 9: Hormone Harmony: It’s a Key Thing Episode 10: Snooze Clues: Unlocking the Science Behind Sleep Season 2 Episode 1: The New New- Neuroplasticity+Self-Reflection Episode 2: What’s the Buzz with BEElonging w/ Campus Rec Episode 3: Integrity (Doing right when no one's watching) Ft. Leslie from SALS Episode 4: Integrity + Artificial Intelligence Ft. Amanda Maknyik Episode 5: Pumpkin Spice Season - How scent can enhance well-being + learning Episode 6: The Nostalgic Taste of Home Episode 7: Cuffing Season- consent, touch + oxytocin Ft. Marisa Mei Episode 8: Hibernation time- Get cozy with Hygge Episode 9: Spark of Inspiration ft. Don Lovisa Episode 10: The Light of Hope Episode 11: Some ask why, some ask why not Episode 12: Life in Macro View Episode 13: You never heard of grits? [Passion + Perseverance] Episode 14: Nourishing Our Body, Nourishing Ourselves [ft Michelle Pitman] Episode 15: Stay Quenched [no stanley required] Episode 16: Sun-kissed [Illuminating the Healing Rays of Sunlight] Episode 17: Building a Bridge to Understand Addiction [ft. Carl Legault] Episode 18: Riding the wave of change ft. Elaine Popp Season 1 EPISODE 1: NEW YEAR- NEW YOU (THE BASAL GANGLIA) EPISODE 2: ORGANIZING LIFE (LIFE PURPOSE AS A SELF-ORGANIZING LIFE AIM) EPISODE 3: RECOVERY (CONNECTION & MEANING) FT. CHRIS CULL EPISODE 4: POWER OF LOVE EPISODE 5: STRESSN’ (THANKS AMYGDALA) EPISODE 6: DON’T YOU FORGET ABOUT DC (MEMORY, FORGETTING & REMEMBERING) EPISODE 7: Good Vibes (Emotional residue and the influence of biases) EPISODE 8: Healing Music (frisson, vibrations & binaural beats) EPISODE 9: We’re EAR for you (sound, earwax and headphones) EPISODE 10: First Impressions (trying not to sulcus) FT. Kim Sharpe EPISODE 11: Personality (the amygdala is back) EPISODE 12: The Icy Growth Zone (cold exposure and psychological edges) Listen to the WellPod@DC on Spotify Listen to the WellPod@DC on Apple Podcasts Listen to the WellPod@DC on Google Podcasts What is your health or wellness related question?(Required)Disclaimer: The information provided on The WellPod@DC is provided for informational purposes only, and does not substitute professional medical advice.