FAQs WHO IS CONDUCTING THE CENSUS? The Office of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (OEDI) and Office of Research Services, Innovation and Entrepreneurship (ORSIE) working collaboratively to conduct the census. WHY IS DC CONDUCTING THIS CENSUS? Durham College is conducting this census to create supports and services for students and employees and to capture and build awareness of the diversity profile that exists at DC. The results of this survey will help the college implement inclusive policies, practices and processes and will foster equitable and inclusive practices for all. IS DC THE ONLY INSTITUTION THAT IS CONDUCTING A CENSUS? It is common practice among many Canadian public organizations, including colleges, to conduct a census. WHO IS INVITED TO PARTICIPATE IN THE CENSUS? All full- and part-time DC students and employees are encouraged to participate in the census. WHEN WILL THE CENSUS BE AVAILABLE TO COMPLETE? The census will be available to students from January 23 to February 5, and to employees from February 13 to February 26, 2023. HOW WILL I BENEFIT FROM THIS CENSUS? DC is committed to a diverse and inclusive campus for all students and employees. Your participation will provide us with data that will allow us to take actionable steps to ensure equitable and inclusive access for all our campus members. ISN’T IT DISCRIMATORY TO ASK ME ABOUT MY RACIAL OR GENDER IDENTITY? No. Understanding who is included in DC’s diverse population is an important first step towards equity and inclusion. WILL MY PRIVACY BE PROTECTED? Yes, your privacy will be protected. All information provided will be anonymous and kept strictly confidential in accordance with DC’s data governance policies and related provincial and federal legislative requirements, specifically, Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, R.S.O. 1990. IF THE CENSUS IS CONFIDENTIAL, WHY IT IS BEING SENT TO MY DURHAM COLLEGE EMAIL ADDRESS? Your Durham College email is the method by which the college communicates with employees and students. While the census link is sent to your email address, the link through which you access the census will not be connected to your email address. WHAT WILL DC DO WITH THE RESULTS? Information will be used to strengthen the DC’s inclusion initiatives such as hiring and recruitment, educational programming and equity, diversity and inclusion initiatives. HOW WILL THE DATA BE STORED ONCE YOU COLLECT IT? Data will be stored on Durham College servers which are protected by safeguards instituted by IT Services. The data will be regulated in accordance with relevant Durham College policies: Acceptable Use of Information Technology Information Management Access to Student Records and Protection of Privacy Information Security Student Data Governance IS MY PARTICIPATION MANDATORY? Participation in the census is voluntary, however, by completing the census, you will help the college develop a diversity snapshot of our students and employees. This will assist in shaping our policies and practices, guide how we support students and employees, and be incorporated into programming. DO I HAVE TO COMPLETE THE WHOLE CENSUS? An answer must be provided for each question. At the end of the census, you MUST click "submit.” HOW LONG DOES THE CENSUS TAKE TO COMPLETE? The census takes less than 10 minutes to complete. WHAT KINDS OF QUESTIONS ARE INCLUDED IN THE CENSUS? You will be asked to select your: Social identity, including Indigenous and equity-deserving groups such as women, persons with disabilities, 2SLGBTQIA+ and racialized persons. Sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression. Personal identity. Feedback on feelings of inclusion at DC. CAN I IDENTIFY IN MORE THAN ONE GROUP? Yes, please select all the options that reflect your identity. I DON’T IDENTIFY WITH ANY EQUITY-DESERVING GROUP. SHOULD I COMPLETE THE CENSUS? Yes, we encourage everyone to complete it. The primary goal of this census is to gain a deeper understanding of the demographic composition of our campus community. The data we collect will help us learn more about who isn't currently represented in our community, and it will also show us how to provide better support to our current student and employee population. Your personal participation in the census is a way to be part of our collective action toward advancing equity at DC. WILL I BE PERSONALLY IDENTIFIED IN THE ANALYSIS OF THE DATA? The data will only identify you as a student or employee. I REQUIRE THE SURVEY IN AN ACCESSIBLE FORMAT If you require the survey in an accessible format, please send an email to Joshua Gerrow, joshua.gerrow@websiteredesign.durhamcollege.ca in the Office of Research Services, Innovation and Entrepreneurship. I HAVE MORE QUESTIONS, WHO CAN I TALK TO? You can contact the Office of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion at DCcensus@websiteredesign.durhamcollege.ca or diversity@websiteredesign.durhamcollege.ca.