News Archive Another Successful Year - Roger Anderson Charity Classic Golf TournamentFor nearly two decades, the Roger Anderson Charity Classic golf tournament has been one of the most popular and most influential annual fundraising events in... Durham College celebrates student success at 2015 spring convocationDurham College (DC) celebrated success with more than 3,800 students graduating during Spring Convocation on Monday, June 8, Tuesday, June 9 and Wednesday June 10... Durham College student wins silver at national skills competitionDurham College’s (DC) Adam Leadbetter, a level-three apprentice in DC’s Industrial Mechanic – Millwright program, brought home the silver medal in the Industrial Mechanic Millwright... Summer Shorts returns for another year of creative developmentDo you know a creative teen looking for something fun to do this summer? The School of Media, Art & Design presents Summer Shorts! Creative... MAD Zumba Raises $2,000 for Nova’s ArkOn May 30, Durham College (DC) employees, students and friends shimmied, shook and danced through a variety of weather types during the MAD Climatic Zumba... DC celebrating 29 years of summer sports camps; register nowDid you know participating in team sports can not only increase a child’s health but also boost their confidence? This year, Durham College’s (DC’s) Campus... DC hosts Intro to College sessions for students affected by the teachers’ strikeIn response to the Ontario Secondary School Teachers’ Federation (OSSTF) strike, Durham College (DC) hosted its first Intro to College session on Wednesday, June 3... Epic Mac N’ Cheese winners whip up recipe for Channel 12Future culinary students Johanna Buttle and Tamara Pantaleo returned to the kitchens of Durham College’s (DC)’s Centre for Food (CFF) to recreate their winning mac... Durham College journalism program gives student endless possibilitiesConnor Pringle has barely scratched the surface of his career, but in his two years in Durham College’s (DC)’s Journalism – Print and Broadcast program,... Celebrity chef brings field-to-fork expertise to the table in support of student educationDurham College (DC) announced today it is serving up more Jamie Kennedy through an expanded partnership with the celebrity chef and Centre for Food (CFF)... « 1 … 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 … 166 »