News Archive

Federal Debate pannel
Federal candidates debate at DC/UOIT shared campus

In an effort to bring the political process to students and the wider community, Durham College (DC), Trent University Durham and the University of Ontario...

Harvest Dinner Birds-Eye View
Durham College’s Centre for Food celebrates the harvest

On Thursday, September 24 Durham College (DC) hosted its first-ever Harvest Dinner at the Centre for Food, in celebration of the fall season. One hundred...

Campus Master Plan diagram
UOIT and Durham College finalize Campus Master Plan

After two years of consultation, planning and development, Durham College (DC) and the University of Ontario Institute of Technology (UOIT) are pleased to announce the...

Logo for the DC Accelerator
Applications now being accepted for Fall Accelerator Program

After the success of the Durham College (DC) Summer Accelerator Program, FastStart DC, along with the Spark Centre is pleased to announce it will also...

DC Lords men's soccer team
Durham College captures sixth Campus Cup title

The Durham College (DC) men’s soccer team is getting used to their annual team photo with DC President, Don Lovisa. Nobody even has to say...

Lexus Hybrid
Lexus hybrid-electric donation provides hands-on learning for students

Thanks to a generous donation from Toyota Canada Inc. and Lexus of Lakeridge, students in the second year of Durham College’s (DC) Motive Power Technician...

DC Centre for Food garden
Durham College hosts Harvest Dinner at the Centre for Food

Durham College’s (DC) Centre for Food (CFF) is hosting its first Harvest Dinner on Thursday, September 24. Tantalize your taste buds with a menu featuring...

100 Men of Scugog gives a donation to Durham College
100 Men of Scugog creates new bursary for DC students

On Tuesday, August 25, representatives from the 100 Men of Scugog group were on-hand at Durham College’s (DC) Centre for Food at the Whitby campus...

Group of students holding a giant cheque
DC student team wins $1,000 prize through Summer Accelerator Program

Robert Biggar, a graduate of Durham College’s (DC) Advertising and Marketing Communications program, and his brother William have won a $1,000 cash prize for achieving...

Group of Durham College staff
DC students pitch business ideas to win $2,500

It started with 25 applications, 10 business ideas were chosen and now the final seven are left standing as part of the Durham College (DC)...