News Archive New specialized workshops via CIJSIn partnership with Durham College’s School of Justice & Emergency Services (JES), the Centre for Integrated Justice Studies (CIJS) offers unique training, seminars and workshops... Durham College committed to campus safetyThe Durham College (DC) Office of Campus Safety (OCS) is committed to protecting the rights of everyone on campus while ensuring a professional, respectful and... DC dental students give those in need a reason to smileOral health is important, but unfortunately not everyone has access to dental hygiene and treatment. In an effort to help those in need, DC’s Dental... DC Celebrates 92 Per Cent Success Rate with ELRPTAs a member of the Eastern Lakeshore Regional Planning Team (ELRPT), Durham College (DC) is proud to announce a 92 per cent success rate for... Durham College and partners launch FastStart programDurham College (DC), in conjunction with The University of Ontario Institute of Technology (UOIT), Fleming College and Trent University, shared today that the four organizations... DC architecture students showcase new designs for Town of CobourgStudents from Durham College’s (DC) Architectural Technician and Architectural Technology programs presented their heritage-inspired designs for the Town of Cobourg’s Downtown Vitalization Action Committee, on... Durham College named one of GTA's Top EmployersDurham College (DC) is being recognized as a great place to work having been named one of Greater Toronto’s Top Employers for 2015 for the fifth... DC and Habitat for Humanity welcome first families to Centre TowneFaculty and students from Durham College’s (DC) Construction Carpentry – Sustainable program are excited to share the news that the first four families moved into... Durham College Makes it Merry for local mom-to-be in needDurham College’s (DC) Team Experience stopped by Toronto radio station 999 Virgin Radio and the Mad Dog & Maura morning show to help make the... DC welcomes GTI partners to help bring automotive electronics to life in GuyanaDurham College (DC) welcomed its partners from the Government Technical Institute (GTI) of Guyana earlier this fall as part of the ongoing development of GTI’s... « 1 … 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 … 166 »