News Archive

International Development Week in the Pit at DC
DC celebrates International Development Week

Durham College (DC) took part in Global Affairs Canada’s International Development Week (IDW), established in 1991, as a uniquely Canadian tradition that celebrates contributions to...

Panel discusses news on the upcoming cannabis industry in Ontario.
DC helps clear the smoke surrounding growing cannabis industry

On February 15, Durham College’s (DC) School of Continuing Education, along with industry leaders GrowWise Health, Ample Organics and Cannabis at Work, presented an Ontario...

A team of Durham College (DC) students, faculty researchers and representatives from the college’s Office of Research Services, Innovation and Entrepreneurship (ORSIE) returned from Ottawa this week after participating in Colleges and Institutes Canada’s (CICan) annual Applied Research Symposium.
Durham College students present artificial intelligence project on Parliament Hill

A team of Durham College (DC) students, faculty researchers and representatives from the college’s Office of Research Services, Innovation and Entrepreneurship (ORSIE) returned from Ottawa...

Students and Employers mingle at Job Fair 2018.
Students meet their future employers at DC Job Fair

As part of its annual Career Week, Durham College (DC) hosted its largest Job Fair to date on February 7. Coordinated by DC’s Career Development...

On February 12, Steven Del Duca, Ontario’s Minister of Economic Development and Growth, visited Durham College’s (DC) Oshawa campus to speak with students and employees during a town hall in The Pit.
Ontario’s Minister of Economic Development and Growth visits DC

On February 12, Steven Del Duca, Ontario’s Minister of Economic Development and Growth, visited Durham College’s (DC) Oshawa campus to speak with students and employees...

Young Designers Competition
DC student competes in international design contest

Durham College (DC) student Evgenia Nazarenko from the School of Media, Art and Design (MAD) tested her skills at in international level earlier this year...

Don Lovisa and DC Alumni at the Alumni in the Pit event.
DC grads talk careers and life after college at Alumni in the Pit

From life as a Toronto marketing executive to telling the city’s stories on the radio and from a career in the NHL to running three...

The Den's Back - More Deals | Fall 2018. CBC Dragons' Den Auditions at DC. Have an idea to pitch to the Dragons? This is your chance! February 28 -
Dragons’ Den auditions return to DC Wednesday, February 28

Calling all entrepreneurs! The hit CBC television show Dragons’ Den will return to Durham College (DC) on Wednesday, February 28, to hold auditions in the...

Oshawa Campus
DC receives $250,000 funding from Government of Ontario’s Colleges Applied R&D Fund

Durham College (DC) announced today that its Office of Research Services, Innovation and Entrepreneurship (ORSIE) has been awarded $250,000 through the Government of Ontario’s Colleges...

Renderings of Durham College's new CFCE building.
Your chance to be part of DC’s history

The new Durham College (DC) Centre for Collaborative Education (CFCE) building is taking shape and excitement is mounting as each day brings us closer to...