Online Exams


To ensure academic standards, many online courses require students to write a proctored mid-term and/or final examination. Please refer to the course outlines and information within your course to confirm any proctored examination requirement. Your instructor will also provide you with details regarding your course examinations (if applicable).

Online Proctored Exams

Durham College uses an external online service to invigilate all proctored mid-term and final exams held through our online courses. To complete an online proctored exam, you are required to review the details listed in the course and follow all the instructions. Some of the minimum requires are a PC or MAC computer (chrome books, tablets etc. are not permitted), a web cam and a high-speed Internet connection. During your online exam, the live online proctor will provide any necessary software to effectively monitor your exam session remotely. Once your exam session is complete, the proctor will conclude the session and any software can be removed from your workstation.

Students must ensure that they follow all provided instructions for any of their courses that have an online proctored exam requirement. It is the student’s responsibility to follow the directions provided to plan, schedule and book your exam time within the required date range. It is extremely important to note that there will be no extensions granted. It is the student’s responsibility to read and understand all the exam instructions provided by the instructor and included within the course. The information provided will outline everything you need to know to complete your exam.

Please note, when you schedule your initial exam (as long as it is done within the required timelines) you will not have to pay a fee. However, should you miss your scheduled exam time, or do not schedule within the required timelines, you will be required to pay all applicable exam fees.

If additional charges are incurred for any late reservations or last-minute cancellations, students will be required to pay these fees directly. If you are a “no-show” for your scheduled exam session and an additional exam session is required, you will be personally responsible for all charges associated with rescheduling the exam session.

Accommodated Testing

For Durham College students with exceptionalities whose needs cannot be met in an online or classroom environment, the Durham College Test Centre provides an accommodated test and exam environment. In order to access accommodated testing at the Test Centre, students must be registered with the Access and Support Centre (ASC). For details on how to register for accommodated testing click here.

In-Person Proctored Exams

Durham College students who live outside a 100-kilometer radius of the college, that have an exceptionality that requires a proctored exam to be administered in-person, must register with the Access and Support Centre (ASC).

Once registered with the ASC, the student has two options to arrange an in-person proctored exam.

  • Arrange to write the exam under the supervision of an approved proctor.
    The student is responsible for obtaining a professional to act as the proctor (who must be approved by Durham College) and any additional fees incurred, i.e. proctor fees and/or exam courier fees. If you are planning to use a proctor, a proctor form must be completed and returned via email to Please note: proctor forms must be received by the Professional and Part-Time Learning office at least 10 business days prior to your scheduled exam date for approval.

It is important to remember that there are various proctoring options available to you, including ones that have no associated cost. If you have questions about your options, please email

Missed exams

You are responsible for attending your final exams as scheduled to meet your course requirements. If for the following reasons you are unable to attend, you may be eligible for a make-up exam. Read more.