Durham College partners with Hau Giang Community College in Vietnam

Oshawa, ON – Durham College (DC) has signed a five-year with Agriteam Consulting Ltd, to work with Vietnam’s Hau Giang Community College (HGCC) to develop a technical vocational program in the sector of post-harvest production. Funded by the Government of Canada, the partnership sees DC’s School of Science & Engineering Technology and Centre for Academic and Faculty Enrichment (CAFÉ) working with HGCC to share its expertise with programs in the areas of food and pharmaceuticals, agriculture and food sciences.

Four high-level officials from HGCC recently travelled from Hau Giang Province, Vietnam on a one-week study tour to observe DC’s facilities and gain a deeper understanding of DC’s post-harvest programs and best practices in curriculum development.

“It was an honour to host the rector, vice-rector and dean from HGCC,” said Mark Herringer, executive director, International Education. We’re looking forward to many more opportunities for both institutions to work together as DC shares its experiences combining the areas of science and technology with post-harvest production. As we’ve discovered, when you bring together multiple disciplines it leads to innovative solutions that help our partners, employees, students and wider community flourish.”

In addition to working with HGCC to address its specific needs, the project team will also be lending its expertise to assist in developing a new program model that can be adapted for use at the national level in Vietnam. Two other Canadian colleges are also taking part in the project, having partnered with additional Vietnamese institutions. Work will be ongoing until September 2019.



About Durham College

At Durham College, the student experience comes first. In September 2015, the college welcomed more than 30,000 students to campus including 11,200 full-time post-secondary and apprenticeship students as well as part-time and continuing education students and online learners. The college offers a wide range of market-driven programs in a number of different disciplines including culinary, hospitality, tourism, horticulture, business, information technology, media, art, design, general arts, science, skilled trades, justice, emergency services, health and engineering technology, enabling students to develop the skills required to meet the demands of today’s job market.

A three-phase expansion of the college’s Whitby campus concluded with the opening of the 36,000-square-foot Centre for Food located on the northwest corner of campus. Accommodating approximately 900 additional students studying in culinary, baking, hospitality, event management, food science, and agricultural and horticultural programs, the CFF features Bistro ’67, a 70-seat, full-service, green-certified teaching-inspired restaurant and Pantry, a retail store featuring fresh-baked items, meals-to-go, preserved foods and ready-to-cook meals created by students in the college’s culinary and baking programs.

Media contact:
Meghan Ney
Durham College Communications and Marketing
905.721.2000 ext. 6219

Michelle Roebuck
Durham College Communications and Marketing
905.721.2000 ext. 2333

Durham College welcomes new associate vice-president, Office of Development and Alumni Affairs

Oshawa, Ont. – Durham College (DC) is pleased to welcome Linda Marco as the new associate vice-president, Office of Development and Alumni Affairs, and president, Durham College Foundation. A DC grad, Marco brings more than 20 years of fundraising and not-for-profit management experience, at both the community and national levels.

“We are thrilled to welcome Linda back to Durham College,” said Don Lovisa, president. “She has a wealth of experience building successful fundraising campaigns, developing key relationships and encouraging strategic growth. In addition, as a DC grad, her connection to the college will be a tremendous asset as she engages with alumni leading up to our 50th anniversary and as we move toward the launch of a capital campaign to support our Simcoe Building project.”

Prior to joining DC, Marco was the director of advancement for the Lakeridge Health Foundation. Under her guidance, development programs included major gifts, third-party events and direct response campaigns. In addition she successfully implemented a new visual identity for the foundation and hospital, along with developing a 10-year comprehensive campaign for the redevelopment of Lakeridge Health.

Marco has also served as the director of fund development for Scientists in School, where she created the organization’s inaugural fund development plan, and attracted new corporate donors. Other roles include director, funds development, for the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation and director of development for the Children’s Wish Foundation.

“I am very pleased to be working at the place where I first began preparing for my career,” said Marco. “My familiarity with the Durham College experience, both academically and socially, will help me craft campaigns and build relationships that will support institutional growth and development, which in turn helps ensure that the college lives up to its mission that the student experience comes first.”

Marco holds a Public Relations diploma from Durham College and a Fundraising Management Certificate from Ryerson University. She has also achieved her Canadian Fund Raising Executive (CFRE) accreditation.


About Durham College

At Durham College, the student experience comes first. In September 2015, the college welcomed more than 30,000 students to campus including 11,200 full-time post-secondary and apprenticeship students as well as part-time and continuing education students and online learners. The college offers a wide range of market-driven programs in a number of different disciplines including culinary, hospitality, tourism, horticulture, business, information technology, media, art, design, general arts, science, skilled trades, justice, emergency services, health and engineering technology, enabling students to develop the skills required to meet the demands of today’s job market.

A three-phase expansion of the college’s Whitby campus concluded with the opening of the 36,000-square-foot Centre for Food located on the northwest corner of campus. Accommodating approximately 900 additional students studying in culinary, baking, hospitality, event management, food science, and agricultural and horticultural programs, the CFF features Bistro ’67, a 70-seat, full-service, green-certified teaching-inspired restaurant and Pantry, a retail store featuring fresh-baked items, meals-to-go, preserved foods and ready-to-cook meals created by students in the college’s culinary and baking programs.

For more information, visit www.websiteredesign.durhamcollege.ca or call 905.721.2000.


Media contacts:

Michelle Roebuck
Communications and Marketing
905.721.2000 ext. 2333


Meghan Ney
Communications and Marketing
905.721.2000 ext. 6219





Mature Student Information Sessions invite adult learners back to school

Oshawa, Ont. – In an effort to encourage potential students over the age of 19 to consider Durham College (DC) as a post-secondary destination, DC is offering monthly Mature Student Information Sessions at the Oshawa campus.

“Statistics from Colleges Ontario show that 65 per cent of applicants to college are not applying directly from high school,” said Devon Turcotte, student recruitment specialist, Strategic Enrolment Services at DC. “Mature students aren’t fish out of water, they’re in good company, and these sessions are a great way for them to see that while at the same time finding out about all the services we offer to help all of our students succeed.”

The series of information sessions, which kicked off in September and continue on Wednesday, November 18, will be held each month through April 2016 and provide mature students who are thinking about enrolling with important and helpful guidelines to help them succeed in a college setting.

In addition to campus tours, potential students will receive helpful tips and information focusing on a variety of topics including admission procedures, academic upgrading and career planning resources. They can also learn more information about the Financial Aid and Awards office and the academic support available through Student Academic Learning Services.

Future sessions will be held on Wednesday, December 9 and in 2016 on January 20; February 17; March 9; and April 27.


About Durham College

At Durham College, the student experience comes first. In September 2015, the college welcomed more than 30,000 students to campus including 11,200 full-time post-secondary and apprenticeship students as well as part-time and continuing education students and online learners. The college offers a wide range of market-driven programs in a number of different disciplines including culinary, hospitality, tourism, horticulture, business, information technology, media, art, design, general arts, science, skilled trades, justice, emergency services, health and engineering technology, enabling students to develop the skills required to meet the demands of today’s job market.

A three-phase expansion of the college’s Whitby campus concluded with the opening of the 36,000-square-foot Centre for Food located on the northwest corner of campus. Accommodating approximately 900 additional students studying in culinary, baking, hospitality, event management, food science, and agricultural and horticultural programs, the CFF features Bistro ’67, a 70-seat, full-service, green-certified teaching-inspired restaurant and Pantry, a retail store featuring fresh-baked items, meals-to-go, preserved foods and ready-to-cook meals created by students in the college’s culinary and baking programs.

For more information, visit www.websiteredesign.durhamcollege.ca or call 905.721.2000.


Media contacts:

Michelle Roebuck

Communications and Marketing

905.721.2000 ext. 2333


Meghan Ney

Communications and Marketing

905.721.2000 ext. 6219

DC hosts international partners from Peru

Oshawa, ON – Durham College (DC) recently welcomed representatives from the Centro Experimental de Formación Profesional (CEFOP), a technical and vocational college in Trujillo, Peru, completing a second training mission to share best practices between both institutions.

Four management-level colleagues from CEFOP spent two weeks at DC learning about institutional procedures: recruitment of vulnerable youth, admissions, team work, performance evaluation and leadership training, while also exploring the strategies used to administer and run the Centre for Food’s (CFF) culinary programs and green-certified teaching restaurant Bistro ’67, all of which are based on the field-to-fork philosophy.

This latest mission is the second between both organizations, who are working together to examine practices that will help them excel at home and abroad. The first visit saw representatives from DC travel to Peru in July 2015 after the college was awarded a contract from Colleges and Institutes Canada (CICan). With the goal of partnering with CEFOP, DC is sharing its experience and expertise in the areas of culinary arts and gastronomy, while also helping to update and enhance their curriculum, build industry linkages and assist CEFOP in providing its students with the skills they need to further promote and enhance the world-renowned and growing reputation of Peruvian cuisine.

“Our partnership with CEFOP not only gives us a chance to share our expertise but stands to have a great impact on the college, its students and the wider community,” said Mark Herringer, executive director, International Education. “It is also a great example of post-secondary institutions from across the globe working together to build expertise and improve the student experience.”

Driven by Katie Boone, international project manager with the college’s International Office, and David Hawey, chair of the CFF, the DC team is looking at options for adapting its field-to-fork philosophy for CEFOP’s urban center, reinforcing industry engagement strategies, highlighting the importance of inclusive management and student-centered teaching strategies and facilitating improvements to revenue generation activities of CEFOP.

The project is ongoing until March 2017 with several more visits planned between both institutions.



About Durham College

At Durham College, the student experience comes first. In September 2015, the college welcomed more than 30,000 students to campus including 11,200 full-time post-secondary and apprenticeship students as well as part-time and continuing education students and online learners. The college offers a wide range of market-driven programs in a number of different disciplines including culinary, hospitality, tourism, horticulture, business, information technology, media, art, design, general arts, science, skilled trades, justice, emergency services, health and engineering technology, enabling students to develop the skills required to meet the demands of today’s job market.

A three-phase expansion of the college’s Whitby campus concluded with the opening of the 36,000-square-foot Centre for Food located on the northwest corner of campus. Accommodating approximately 900 additional students studying in culinary, baking, hospitality, event management, food science, and agricultural and horticultural programs, the CFF features Bistro ’67, a 70-seat, full-service, green-certified teaching-inspired restaurant and Pantry, a retail store featuring fresh-baked items, meals-to-go, preserved foods and ready-to-cook meals created by students in the college’s culinary and baking programs.

Media contact:
Meghan Ney
Durham College Communications and Marketing
905.721.2000 ext. 6219

Michelle Roebuck
Durham College Communications and Marketing
905.721.2000 ext. 2333


Durham College to honour graduates at 2015 fall convocation

OSHAWA, Ont. – Durham College will celebrate the successful graduation of more than 1,100 students from more than 115 programs at its fall convocation ceremony on Thursday, October 29. The occasion will also recognize students who have earned a place on the highly regarded President’s Honour Roll as well as recipients of scholarship and leadership awards.

The annual fall event will recognize graduates from the schools of Business, IT & Management; Continuing Education; Health & Community Services; Interdisciplinary Studies & Employment Services; Justice & Emergency Services; Media, Art & Design; Science & Engineering Technology; and Skilled Trades, Apprenticeship & Renewable Technology as they are awarded their diplomas and certificates. 

With the fall convocation, Durham College now boasts more than 73,000 alumni over its 48-year history.


Thursday, October 29

6:30 p.m.


General Motors Centre

99 Athol Street East

Oshawa, Ontario


For more information contact:

Michelle Roebuck               

Communications and Marketing

905.721.2000 ext. 2197



Meghan Ney

Communications and Marketing

905.721.2000 ext. 6219


Durham College once again named one of Canada’s top 50 research colleges

Oshawa, Ont. – Durham College (DC) today announced that, for the third consecutive year, it has been ranked among Canada’s top 50 research colleges for research income by Research Infosource Inc.

Supported by DC’s Office of Research Services, Innovation and Entrepreneurship (ORSIE), applied research plays a vital role at the college; students have the opportunity to develop their skills and interests and faculty can build their research portfolios. It also provides small- and medium-sized enterprises and organizations within the community with viable solutions to meet their needs and strengthen their position in the marketplace.

“We are thrilled to once again be named one of Canada’s top 50 research colleges,” said Debbie McKee Demczyk, director, ORSIE. “The projects undertaken by our investigators and students drive both the scholarly and educational agendas forward while also making a measurable impact on the wider community. Whether it’s entrepreneurship, advanced manufacturing or emerging agribusiness, DC is at the forefront of applied research trends.”

Click here to learn more about applied research at DC. For more information and a complete list of Canada’s Top 50 Research Colleges please visit http://www.researchinfosource.com/top50_col.php.


About Durham College

At Durham College, the student experience comes first. In September 2015, the college welcomed more than 30,000 students to campus including 11,200 full-time post-secondary and apprenticeship students as well as part-time and continuing education students and online learners. The college offers a wide range of market-driven programs in a number of different disciplines including culinary, hospitality, tourism, horticulture, business, information technology, media, art, design, general arts, science, skilled trades, justice, emergency services, health and engineering technology, enabling students to develop the skills required to meet the demands of today’s job market.

A three-phase expansion of the college’s Whitby campus concluded with the opening of the 36,000-square-foot Centre for Food located on the northwest corner of campus. Accommodating approximately 900 additional students studying in culinary, baking, hospitality, event management, food science, and agricultural and horticultural programs, the CFF features Bistro ’67, a 70-seat, full-service, green-certified teaching-inspired restaurant and Pantry, a retail store featuring fresh-baked items, meals-to-go, preserved foods and ready-to-cook meals created by students in the college’s culinary and baking programs.

Media contact:

Meghan Ney 
Communications and Marketing 
905.721.2000 ext. 6219

Michelle Roebuck
Communications and Marketing
905.721.2000 ext. 2197

Enjoy a unique dining experience with celebrity chef Jamie Kennedy at Durham College’s Bistro ’67

Durham College (DC) is pleased to offer a series of distinctive dining and culinary experiences with celebrity chef and Centre for Food (CFF) ambassador Jamie Kennedy on select Thursdays throughout the year with the introduction of Jamie Kennedy Thursdays at DC’s Bistro ’67. As part of the event, guests will have the opportunity to personally interact and socialize with Chef Kennedy while sampling the delicious cuisine.

The first special evening kicks off on Thursday, October 22 with a four-course meal influenced by JK: The Jamie Kennedy Cookbook, featuring blue cheese and leek tart; pressed perch terrine with watercress puree and beet-pickled wild leeks; curried sweet potato soup with raita; navarin and chop of lamb; and bread and butter pudding with maple walnut ice cream.

Inspired by the CFF’s field-to-fork philosophy and prepared by DC’s culinary students with assistance from Chef Kennedy, these evenings will include great food in a creative learning environment, demonstrating what happens when communities, local farmers and education work together.

Jamie Kennedy Thursdays at DC’s Bistro ’67 continues on Thursday, November 19 with a menu featuring fall game.


  • Thursday, October 22, 6 p.m.


  • Bistro ’67, Centre for Food, Durham College

1604 Champlain Ave.

Whitby, ON L1N 6A7


Ticket information:

Cost – $100 plus tax per ticket


To purchase tickets, please contact Kelly O’Brien at 905.721.2000 ext. 4255 or kelly.o’brien@websiteredesign.durhamcollege.ca or visit www.bistro67.ca/JK. Please note: a limited number of tickets are available.


Media contacts:


Michelle Roebuck

Communications and Marketing

905.721.2000 ext. 2197



Meghan Ney

Communications and Marketing

905.721.2000 ext. 6219


New eCampus Ontario portal helps more students pursue college education

Oshawa, Ont. – More people will have access to online college courses that prepare them for meaningful careers through the new eCampus Ontario portal that officially launched last week.

“Greater numbers of students will gain access to a broad range of online college courses,” said Mary Blanchard, associate vice-president, Academic Planning, Durham College. “This means more people will acquire the professional and technical qualifications to pursue rewarding careers.”

 eCampusOntario.ca was formally launched by Training, Colleges and Universities Minister Reza Moridi. It has been created as a new portal for learners looking to find online college and university courses and programs. The first phase of the portal includes a searchable catalogue of more than 13,000 online courses, registration information and more.

The new web-based portal will allow users to:

  • Search high-quality online courses available that are widely recognized for credit across the post-secondary sector.
  • Explore information about course transferability.
  • Access resources and supports.

Durham College (DC) is a provincial leader in the development and delivery of online programs and courses. In 2014-2015, DC hosted more than 15,000 enrollments through the OntarioLearn consortium, the highest in the province. During that time, DC’s online students expressed a 92.4 per cent satisfaction rate with course quality; 93.2 per cent satisfaction rate with instructor quality; and 95.7 per cent satisfaction rate with helpfulness of staff. 

eCampusOntario.ca will continue to evolve. The consortium that governs the portal – including all of Ontario’s public colleges and universities – will be looking for opportunities to add more functionality and more student supports.

“Online learning provides students with the flexibility to update their skills and discover a new talent or chart a career path at their convenience,” added Blanchard. “Our virtual classrooms are open 24 hours a day, seven days a week.”

Additional details about the portal can be found at: www.ecampusontario.ca/about.


About Durham College

At Durham College, the student experience comes first. In 2015, the college welcomed more than 30,000 students to campus including more than 11,200 full-time post-secondary and apprenticeship students as well as part-time and continuing education students and online learners. The college offers a wide range of market-driven programs in a number of different disciplines including culinary, hospitality, tourism, horticulture, business, information technology, media, art, design, general arts, science, skilled trades, justice, emergency services, health and engineering technology, enabling students to develop the skills required to meet the demands of today’s job market.

A three-phase expansion of the college’s Whitby campus was completed in 2013 when the 36,000-square-foot Centre for Food opened on the northwest corner of campus. Accommodating approximately 900 additional students studying in culinary, hospitality, event management, food science, and agricultural and horticultural programs, the CFF features Bistro ’67, a 70-seat, full-service, green-certified teaching-inspired restaurant and Pantry, a  retail store featuring fresh-baked items, meals-to-go, preserved foods and ready-to-cook meals created by students in the college’s culinary programs.


For more information, visit www.websiteredesign.durhamcollege.ca or call 905.721.2000.


Media contacts:

Michelle Roebuck

Communications and Marketing

905.721.2000 ext. 2333


Meghan Ney

Communications and Marketing

905.721.2000 ext. 6219

Durham College enrolment continues to grow despite a provincial decline in applications

Oshawa, Ont. –While most post-secondary institutions in Ontario realized an overall decline in applications, Durham College (DC) announced it has experienced an increase in enrolment of more than 1.3 per cent since fall 2014. One of only three colleges in the Greater Toronto Area to increase confirmed applicants, DC’s history of growth continues to positively impact the economic and social development of Durham Region.

“With September officially behind us, we are pleased to say we’ve gotten off to a strong start,” said Elaine Popp, vice-president, Academic. “Our increased enrolment numbers indicate that more students than ever, both domestically and abroad, recognize Durham College’s commitment to fostering their success, both during their studies and upon graduation. From the introduction of new programs to providing more pathways and opportunities for students to gain real-world work experience, we are living our mission that the student experience comes first.”

In total DC welcomed more than 11,200 full-time post-secondary and apprenticeship students to its Oshawa and Whitby campuses and Pickering Learning Site including more than 5,700 first-year students and 523 international students from 48 countries. Through its nine academic schools, the college offers more than 140 full-time programs and more than 450 pathway opportunities with universities in Ontario, Canada and around the world.

DC’s commitment to developing new, market-driven programs continued with the introduction of Accounting and Payroll, Advanced Baking and Pastry Art (graduate certificate), Human Resources – Business – Transfer to UOIT Bachelor of Commerce (Hons), Insurance and Media Fundamentals.

In addition to welcoming new students and adding new curriculum, DC launched the second year of its highly successful, multi-platform Experience DC social media marketing campaign. With a goal of engagement with prospective and current students, parents, teachers and the community, this year’s campaign features 39 team members, including students, employees and alumni. Visitors to the website will get the inside scoop on DC from those who know it best and will follow their adventures through social media, videos and blogs as they Experience DC their way.

For more information and details on any of the college’s programs, please visit www.websiteredesign.durhamcollege.ca/programs.



About Durham College

At Durham College, the student experience comes first. In 2015, the college welcomed more than 30,000 students to campus including more than 11,200 full-time post-secondary and apprenticeship students as well as part-time and continuing education students and online learners. The college offers a wide range of market-driven programs in a number of different disciplines including culinary, hospitality, tourism, horticulture, business, information technology, media, art, design, general arts, science, skilled trades, justice, emergency services, health and engineering technology, enabling students to develop the skills required to meet the demands of today’s job market.

A three-phase expansion of the college’s Whitby campus was completed in 2013 when the 36,000-square-foot Centre for Food opened on the northwest corner of campus. Accommodating approximately 900 additional students studying in culinary, hospitality, event management, food science, and agricultural and horticultural programs, the CFF features Bistro ’67, a 70-seat, full-service, green-certified teaching-inspired restaurant and Pantry, a  retail store featuring fresh-baked items, meals-to-go, preserved foods and ready-to-cook meals created by students in the college’s culinary programs.


For more information, visit www.websiteredesign.durhamcollege.ca or call 905.721.2000.

Media contact:
Meghan Ney
Communications and Marketing
905.721.2000 ext. 6219

Michelle Roebuck
Communications and Marketing
905.721.2000 ext. 2333

Durham College to sign Indigenous Education protocol

Oshawa, Ont. – On Friday, October 16, Durham College (DC) President, Don Lovisa, along with several Aboriginal community representatives including Chiefs and a Métis Senator will sign the Indigenous Education Protocol for Colleges and Institutes to further support DC’s commitment to supporting Aboriginal students on campus.

The protocol highlights the importance of structures and approaches required to address Indigenous Peoples’ learning needs and support self-determination and socio-economic development of Indigenous communities as well as complements the recommendations outlined in the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s call to action.

DC is situated on the traditional territories of the Mississaugas of Scugog Island First Nations, and acknowledges the Mississaugas of Scugog Island First Nations community for allowing us to be guests on their territories.

As partners working together in the community, DC has always strived to recognize and support the cultural and educational traditions of Indigenous Peoples on campus and utilizes a holistic approach to education serving Aboriginal students and providing culturally meaningful supports and programming throughout their academic journey.


Friday, October 16


11 a.m. to noon


Room G213, Dining Room, Gordon Willey building
2000 Simcoe St. N.
Oshawa, ON


For more information contact:

Michelle Roebuck

Communications and Marketing

905.721.2000 ext. 2333


Meghan Ney

Communications and Marketing

905.721.2000 ext. 6219