Alertus Mass Notification App The Alertus App is our primary campus mass notification system to notify students and employees of high priority, active threats on campus that have the potential to affect their immediate safety (i.e. a violent aggressor, secure and hold or urgent evacuations). Through the Office of Campus Safety, Durham College (DC) will attempt to activate as many methods of notification as possible to alert the campus community to an emergency. If you hear or see any of the notifications, please respond immediately and follow the directions of security. Possible communications include: Alertus App Alertus beacon Alertus desktop notification Lockdown External Audible Alarm (LEAA) Campus Status Alert on DC Mail Digital signage Twitter Facebook Instagram Employee enhanced notification system Public address system DC Mobile App LEAA LEAA has been installed at both the Oshawa and Whitby campuses to alert anyone outdoors on campus of a lockdown situation within the campus buildings. LEAA will only be activated to alert the community about an immediate, active threat and will only be audible outdoors on campus in areas such as the bus loop, parking lot, the Centre for Food (CFF) gardens at the Whitby Campus, etc. When you hear the alarm: Attempt to flee the campus if you are in immediate danger. Avoid entering the buildings, unless safe to do so, and then immediately follow lockdown guidelines. Play this video clip for a sample of how LEAA sounds. Alertus Desktop Notification In the event of an emergency on campus CIRENS may send a signal to network computers advising of the emergency situation. When the system is activated: Follow the emergency guidelines. Listen for further directions from security. Alertus Beacon Notification In certain areas of campus where it is determined public address announcements are not sufficient (e.g. Automotive Shop at Whitby Campus) or in labs and areas where a computer is not readily available, an Alertus beacon device may be installed on a wall. When the beacon is activated, a lighting system will flash, a high-pitched alarm will sound, and messaging will appear in the text area. When the system is activated: Follow the emergency guidelines. Listen for further directions from security. Campus Status The Campus Status button on the top banner of will provide notification information and situation updates regarding any emergency on campus. iOS Download the app Android Download the app