Sleep + Rest

It’s easy to overlook the importance of rest, with everything you have going on as a post-secondary student. But here’s the thing: rest isn’t just something to “fit in” when you’re done with everything else. It’s essential for your success, both academically and personally. Rest is not just sleep, it is how we nourish ourselves and recharge, sooth and restore. Rest is a state of physical, emotional, and mental relaxation that allows our bodies and minds to recover from the stress of daily student life. It is essential for our overall health and well-being, and it is just as important as diet and exercise. There are different types of rest that we need to function properly – such as physical, mental, emotional, sensory, creative, social, and spiritual.

Sleep restores your energy, boosts your immune system, and helps you think more clearly. It enhances your memory, mood, and ability to concentrate – all of which are crucial when you’re tackling complex assignments or preparing for exams. But sleep isn’t a passive activity. It’s an active process that plays a key role in how you function, learn, and perform every day. While many people think a solid 8 hours is the magic number, the reality is that a healthy sleep routine is more than just hitting a certain number of hours. It’s about quality of sleep too. The right balance between sleep duration and deep, restorative rest is crucial for both your mind and body.
