Stress Management

Tests, new friends, finances…college students face stress on a daily basis. Stress can seem like a negative thing we should actively work on avoiding and removing from our lives. However, stress is what keeps us alert and focused when faced with danger. Stress is what gets you to study for your upcoming test and sharpens your focus during an important game. It can also save your life in emergency situations, heightening your adrenaline and giving you extra strength. While stress can be helpful and healthy, it can also begin having negative effects when we experience it for long periods of time. The intensity, frequency and duration of stress will be different for each person. Many factors can make the experience of stress worse, such as:

  • having limited social support
  • having multiple stressors
  • lacking the resources to manage our stress

Learning how to recognize our stress response is the first step to being able to manage our stress to ensure it stays within a healthy limit.
