When Something Doesn’t Feel Right

Trust your Gut Feeling

With over 12, 000 students on Campus, Durham College can be a hectic place from time to time. When you are bouncing between classes, running to catch the bus, or chatting with friends, it can sometimes be difficult to be fully aware of your surroundings.

Perhaps you’ve found the perfect spot in the library and you are just about to get into your study zone. You overhear a small group chatting (a little too loudly for the library in your opinion). They’re talking about someone who they obviously do not get along with. You can’t hear the conversation as clearly anymore but it sounds like the group is trying to get back at this person for something. You hear them say “we’ll meet him in the catwalk between the campus and Dalhousie after his 8’oclock class tonight, he’ll never expect it!” Even though you are not fully sure what the group’s true intentions are, you do not have a good feeling about what is going to happen to whoever they are planning on surprising later on.

In a situation like this, it is okay to trust your gut feeling, even if that means assuming the worst. In order to take action in the safest way possible contact Campus Security at a Durham College Security desk. Reporting your suspicions in a situation similar to this, could potentially protect a fellow student, teacher or faculty member from harm.

Come Forward

“The College is committed to addressing student concerns in a responsive and timely manner”

Complaints can be made in person at a Security Desk. If you feel that speaking about the problem in person may risk the confidentiality of the issue, don’t worry! You can call the security desk and they will make alternative arrangements for you to submit the complaint in a more private, comfortable area.

When you are speaking with a Campus Security Officer, make sure to give as much detail on the situation as possible, to help them decide on the best course of action.

In addition, it is very important that you bring your issue forward within 15 business days of the incident in order to comply with the Student Conduct Procedure. The procedure does allow for some leeway on this reporting requirement in exigent circumstances.

Review the Facts

In a unique situation where the safety of anyone or anything on campus could be compromised (including damage to property, interruption of usual college operations, etc.) Campus Safety takes immediate actions. Depending on the level of severity, emergency actions could be taken; including but not limited to immediate suspension.

The affected student will have the opportunity to request a review of any emergency measure invoked within five business days.

When a complaint is made, the alleged student will be notified via DC mail. Once notified, a meeting with the Manager of Student Conduct & Campus Investigations is scheduled within three business days.

On campus, essentially each situation or problem has its own unique nature. Durham College has all the resources, including a strong team of staff and faculty members needed to come to the best possible resolution.



External Resources

Internal Resources