The following framework outlines the project governance structure for the 2025-2030 Strategic Plan project. BOARD OF GOVERNORS WILL SET THE STRATEGIC DIRECTION FOR THE COLLEGE AND APPROVE THE FINAL PLAN. Lisa Allen, Board Chair Peter Pryce, Board Vice-Chair Brandon Bird Melissa Bosomworth, support staff governor Jim Brown Kalyan Chakravarthy Jeff Dornan Kelly Doyle, administrative staff governor John Ecker (government appointee) Ian Murray (government appointee) Jerry Ouellette (government appointee) Riya Parikh, student governor Kwende Thomas Dwight Townsend Nathan Wilson, academic staff governor Dr. Elaine Popp, President STRATEGIC PLAN STEERING COMMITTEE WILL ULTIMATELY OVERSEE THE PROJECT. Dr. Jean Choi, Vice President, Academic and Students Rick Hutchinson, Vice President, Strategic Infrastructure and Campus Safety Barbara MacCheyne, Vice President, Corporate Services and Chief Financial Officer Thom MacDonald, Associate Vice President, Enrolment and International Education Dr. Elaine Popp, President Bonnie St. George, Vice President, People, Equity & External Relations STRATEGIC PLAN WORKING GROUP WILL help shape THE PLANNING PROCESS, INCLUDING FACILITATING some of the CONSULTATION ACTIVITIES. Co-Chairs: Carol Beam, Associate Vice President, Communications & Marketing Tony Doyle, Associate Vice President, Academic (Administration) Project Support: Melissa Picard, Office Manager, Office of the Vice President, People, Equity & External Relations Membership: Debby Allbon, Executive Director, Strategic Reporting Benjamin Baxter, Faculty Member, Faculty of Skilled Trades & Apprenticeship (Whitby Campus) Laura Benninger, Faculty Member, Faculty of Science, Engineering & Information Technology (Oshawa Campus) Megan Bent, Student Amanda Blenkhorn, Director, Ancillary Services Brandon Carson, Learning Technologies Specialist, Support Staff (Oshawa Campus) Jennifer Cosway, Associate Vice President, Human Resources & Equity Dr. Sadie Goddard-Durant, Director, Office of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Tara Koski, Dean, Students Thom MacDonald, Associate Vice President, Enrolment and International Education Joe Major, Associate Vice President, Facilities Debbie McKee Demczyk, Associate Vice President, Innovation and Research Dr. Rebecca Milburn, Principal, Whitby Campus, Executive Dean, Faculty of Skilled Trades & Apprenticeship, Hospitality & Horticultural Science Dr. Kayla Murphy, Director, Indigenous Initiatives Ariel Sully, Associate Vice President, Advancement & Alumni Relations Janse Tolmie, Associate Vice President, Information Technology Ryan Way, Facilities Maintenance Technician, Support Staff (Whitby Campus) THE POTENTIAL GROUP WILL PROVIDE GUIDANCE ON STRATEGIC PLANNING METHODOLOGY. Cate Creede, Partner Jackie McCaffrey, Project Director and Consultant Danny Nashman, Partner STRATEGIC PLAN RESOURCE TEAM WILL PROVIDE INSTITUTIONAL SUPPORT. Beth Chapleau, Brand Manager, Communications & Marketing Justin Christie, Manager, Digital, Communications & Marketing Chris Coughlan, Manager, AV Services Pamela Dunn, Manager, Events and Special Projects, Communications & Marketing Melanie Hewitt, Director, Institutional Research and Planning Lindsay Holley, Director, Communications, Communications & Marketing Slide 2,200+ Total touchpoints 350+ 279 People attended our Visioning Sessions Slide 1,030 Pieces of Input Were Gathered At Our Pop-ups Slide 390 Responses toOur Survey 350+ 350+ Conversations through various committees Slide 156 Employees and Students Attended our Townhalls 35+ 35+ External stakeholder consultations conducted