The collaborative work to develop DC’s Strategic Plan is underway and will continue over the next several months and includes four phases: Phase 1 – Scoping, Planning and Setting Initial Direction Phase 1 – Scoping, Planning and Setting Initial Direction (June to August 2024) Over the summer, the following work was completed: The Board of Governors provided strategic direction for the plan’s development. Project teams, including the Strategic Plan Steering Committee, Strategic Plan Working Group and The Potential Group, worked on several key direction-setting initiatives, including: Outlining the scope and direction of the Strategic Plan project Discussing knowledge gained through the previous Strategic Plan Aligning expectations for teams’ roles Identifying consultation opportunities The Office of Research Services, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship (ORSIE) started a comprehensive environmental scan to assess the internal and external landscape and help inform future discussions and decision-making. Phase 2 – Broad Engagement Phase 2 – Broad Engagement (September to November 2024) During Phase 2, the following work was completed: The Potential Group, along with members of the Strategic Plan Working Group, hosted a series of consultation sessions for students, administrative staff, support staff and faculty as well as engagement sessions for the Board of Governors and community members. 26 pop-ups were hosted all over the Whitby and Oshawa campuses (and even at the Tribue Communities Centre during Convocation), inviting students, employees and community members to answer Big Questions. The campus community was invited to complete an online survey to share their input and contribute to the process. Consolidation and Updates Consolidation and Updates (November to December 2024) Scheduled activities include: The Strategic Plan Steering Committee will meet to discuss emerging themes from the engagement phase and the topics for the Strategy Intensives in Phase 3. They will also provide an update to the Board and finalize the selected topics. Invitations for the Strategy Intensives will be shared with members of the Durham College community. Phase 3 – Visioning Sessions and Finalize the Framework Phase 3 – Visioning Sessions and Finalize the Framework (January to March 2025) During Phase 3, scheduled activities include: The Potential Group will facilitate four, three-hour visioning sessions for a broad group of contributors from across the college. Sessions with community members will also take place. Sessions will focus on a specific topic identified through Phase 2. Based on cumulative research and engagement, The Potential Group, will craft an initial strategy framework. This framework will be reviewed and refined by the Strategic Plan Working Group and Steering Committee. The emerging framework will be shared with the Board for review and discussion. Phase 4 – Launch Phase 4 – Launch (April to May 2025) During Phase 4, scheduled activities are: The Strategic Plan Working Group and Steering Committee will finalize the strategy framework and identify goals, objectives and year-one priorities. The final strategy will be presented to the Board of Governors for approval. The Strategic Plan will be launched at an all-employee event in May and shared widely with our DC community. More detail on these phases will be added here as the project progresses. Slide 2,200+ Total touchpoints 350+ 279 People attended our Visioning Sessions Slide 1,030 Pieces of Input Were Gathered At Our Pop-ups Slide 390 Responses toOur Survey 350+ 350+ Conversations through various committees Slide 156 Employees and Students Attended our Townhalls 35+ 35+ External stakeholder consultations conducted