Mental Wellness Mental wellness includes all aspects of mental health, emotional state and well-being, as well as the interaction between how you think, feel, and behave in your daily life. Mental wellness refers to our awareness, understanding, and acceptance of our emotions and behaviours, and ability to manage effectively through challenges and change. Examples: Managing anxiety Emotion regulation Stress management Self-care Suicide prevention Supporting others with lived experience CAMPUS RESOURCES:Students: Are You Okay CHWC: Mental Health supports CHWC Health and Wellness: Groups, Events, Workshops Indigenous Students Supports International Student Wellness Check Pathways of Wellness Better Together Series Calm Campus: Stress Less, Live More Camp Wellness: Healthy by Nature Recovery College: Wellness Learning Hub Health and Wellness Promotion WellPod@DC Support Hub Students Services - Durham College Student Association ( Employees: Employee and Family Assistance Program (EFAP) Supports Student Mental Health Toolkit Student Well-being and Involuntary Withdrawal Policy Explore the other Dimensions of Wellness View all dimensions PhysicalPhysical WellnessOccupationalOccupational WellnessSocialSocial WellnessSpiritualSpiritual WellnessIntellectualIntellectual WellnessEnvironmentalEnvironmental WellnessFinancialFinancial Wellness