Physical wellness Physical wellness includes a variety of healthy behaviours including exercise, proper nutrition, healthy sleeping, sexual health and safe substance use. Physical wellness involves learning about disease and harm prevention, and developing healthy habits that will enable to you to live a longer, happier life. Examples: Active living Safe substance use Healthy habits and routines Nutrition Healthy sleep Sexual health CAMPUS RESOURCES:Students: Campus Health and Wellness Centre Food Security Toolkit Health Education International Student Wellness Check Sexual Health, Sleep, Stress Management Nutrition and Food Literacy Support around Eating, Food, and Eating Disorders Campus Rec Resource Library (CRRL) Fitness Centre (the Flex) and Campus Recreation Fitness Consultations Food Bank Group Fitness Classes Personal Training Employees: Campus Rec Resource Library (CRRL) Employee and Family Assistance Program Fitness Centre (the Flex) and Campus Recreation Fitness Consultations Food Security Toolkit Group Fitness Classes Personal Training Explore the other Dimensions of Wellness View all dimensions OccupationalOccupational WellnessSocialSocial WellnessMentalMental WellnessSpiritualSpiritual WellnessIntellectualIntellectual WellnessEnvironmentalEnvironmental WellnessFinancialFinancial Wellness