Spiritual Wellness Spiritual wellbeing relates to your sense of life-meaning and purpose. It can include your connection to culture, community, spirituality and/or religion and includes the beliefs, values, mental models and ethics you hold. It is seeking meaning and purpose in your every day lives, which encourages wellness. Examples: Compassion Morals Values Spirituality Meditation Beliefs Gratitude Self-understanding Being at peace with nature CAMPUS RESOURCES:Students: Campus Rec Resource Library (CRRL) Camp Wellness: Healthy by Nature CHWC Health and Wellness: Groups, Events, Workshops Health and Wellness Promotion Indigenous Histories and Reconciliation Modules Prayer rooms Employees: Campus Rec Resource Library (CRRL) Indigenous Histories and Reconciliation Modules Employee and Family Assistance Program Prayer rooms Explore the other Dimensions of Wellness View all dimensions PhysicalPhysical WellnessOccupationalOccupational WellnessSocialSocial WellnessMentalMental WellnessIntellectualIntellectual WellnessEnvironmentalEnvironmental WellnessFinancialFinancial Wellness